Trainers & Leaders Must Keep Up-to-Date Workplace Training Records or Risk the Consequences

There are nine types of professionals who can ask to see your training records at short notice

Wendy Scott


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This article is #30 of the Three Minute Train the Trainer Series written for leaders, managers, supervisors, team leaders, and training professionals.

Workplace training records must be current, complete, accurate, and easily accessible

Training records are fantastic. They show that employees have had proper training, if and when it took place, and if it must be renewed.

But then, I’m a Learning & Development nerd who’s bedealing with training records for decades.

I’ve seen systems that are never as fancy as the salesperson’s promises, spreadsheets, and written records.

I’ve learned from my years as a Learning & Development Manager that it doesn’t matter how you record training as long the training data is easily accessible, complete, correct, and up-to-date.

So, what’s all the fuss about, and why do organizations need training records?



Wendy Scott

L&D professional writing practical, step-by-step leadership and training & development articles to help leaders, managers & trainers grow their careers.