Inner Nature — Art by Author

Transcendental Forests

Transcendental Forests: Planting New Growth — Day Twenty-One

One Tree a Day Keeps the Heat Away. One Poem a Day: The Birthstone of May


Welcome to Transcendental Forests. I am planting POETREE.

Our mission is to take you on a journey of love, introspection, meditation, peace and tranquillity, all the while offering you that which has always transcended time and space: poetry.

All done with love and appreciation for Nature. ALL nature.

One Tree a Day

Keeps the Heat Away

One Poem a Day:

The Birthstone of May

Started the 11th of May.

Enjoy! :)

It’s Day Twenty-one.

The last day of May.

What more is there to say?

There was a time when we used to read the Stars and the Moon…when we looked at the Skies and the Clouds for guidance… when we fed on Nature’s gifts alone… when we listened to our own bodies and observed the laws of nature hidden inside… when everything was learned intuitively, through our senses… and everything was done in harmony with nature…

And then something went terribly wrong. We invented notions of time, money, productivity, work and success. We began to unlearn the ways of nature and we started exploiting it instead.

Have we really forgotten who we are, where we come from, and what we’re made of?

Perhaps it’s not too late to remind ourselves of how intimately and profoundly connected we are to everything that surrounds us.

So we can re-awaken to the truth of our ONENESS with NATURE. And with THE UNIVERSE.

To the Pine Tree — Art by Author
To The Oak Tree — Art by Author. (Image on the right: imitation drawing of Close by illustrator Quibe. Credits for original idea go to original artist.)

I will leave you with a beautiful and powerful poem, The Mushroom Hunters by Neil Gaiman, read by Amanda Palmer:



Isabela Vasiliu

I am The Child inside Mother Earth’s womb. I am Mother Earth giving birth to Myself. I am Human. I rise and I fall apart. I plant POETREE, Wisdom and Art.