Full Moon on the 5th of June. Year 2020. Photo taken by author.
Image Courtesy of Author

Transcendental Forests

Transcendental Forests: The Trail — An Invitation to Let Go (Part 3)

It’s June. Follow the Trail. All the Way to the Moon!

Isabela Vasiliu
Published in
5 min readJun 25, 2020


How often do we question our life and the direction it’s taking? How often do we step off the treadmill to re-create ourselves, to ask the bigger questions?

When life as we know it

Turns on its head,

And clouds of gloom

Begin to descend,

When there are only questions

And so much we don’t know,

What else is left to do

But trust and flow?

Once in a while it’s worth stopping to reassess how and where we spend our physical, mental and emotional energies. All these beautiful resources we have/we are, both individually as well as collectively: where are they all going?

I was once on life’s treadmill. Perhaps you are no stranger to this. This is the run most of us are taught to get on. The run that tires, depletes, keeps us trapped and spinning in our own little hamster wheels. The run which, if left unquestioned, can only lead to one thing: self-annihilation and accelerated death.

I was working tirelessly. Always interacting with people. Always being of service. Always doing something. Never resting. Giving wholeheartedly, passionately and generously. Remaining stubbornly positive and energetic in the face of hurt, challenges or adversity.

I know there is a time and place for everything and I have no regrets whatsoever. Nor do I wish to invalidate all the many beautiful adventures that life has gifted me with. To do that would mean to be ungrateful for my great good fortune and to deny the richness of life.

I am a giver. Giving has always brought me joy. And yet, in all my tenacious liveliness, there was definitely an underlying, subtle form of self-destruction and self-sabotage that I was simply unable to see.

Art by Author: Choice. A stick figure running on a treadmill. Underneath, a picture of a cow resting on the grass.
Choice, Feb 17, 2020 — Art by Author

The Universe, in its beautiful, unexpected ways must have seen the self-destruction and conspired, through a series of circumstances, to rescue me. I had no choice but to listen and to step off the treadmill. This was an invitation (from my higher self) to question everything from my daily habits to my choices in life to the way I was relating to myself and those around me.

At a friend’s suggestion, I started to do yoga and to meditate. I also began to spend much more time with myself, doing a lot of introspection and recording my insights. The more I began to meditate, the more I started to release tension, blocked energies and suppressed emotions.

Space began to form in my mind. The constricting cords of accumulated stress were loosening. My then impoverished health started to pick up, like a flower in a pot that had been neglected for too long and was now being given air and water.

“Be a loner. That gives you time to wonder, to search for the truth. Have holy curiosity. Make your life worth living.” — Albert Einstein.

And with all this, a new intuitive belief was sprouting inside me: that there is something out there, something that extends beyond our bodies. An invisible energy, a higher form of spiritual consciousness that I hadn’t had access to before. My inner self was just beginning to feel connected to this.

One and a half years later (after a lot of hard inner work), this is where I am. Writing this. Creating this. I am still mystified by all of it and what it means but I have long stopped looking for reasons. I only know what I feel: I am aware. I am awake.

Art by Author: Trust and Flow. Another tree poem. It shows the image of a tree, the roots of which look like running water.
Trust and Flow, June 23, 2020 — Art by Author

As I was gradually making the shift towards more solitude and spaciousness, the teacher in me began to learn, experiment and create. Now that my head has been cleared of some of the weeds of social programming, my mind feels more like a field of beautiful green grass where flowers are starting to grow in the form of questions: Who are we? What are we? Do we even exist as such?

Albert Einstein said this: “Everything in the universe is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

If this is true and we are simply energy in solid form, it seems to me that we could create and re-create ourselves each moment into anything we wanted. The possibilities would be infinite. As infinite as we are.

By the same token, we could also create and re-create ourselves through interaction with other energetic beings. So here is my theory:

What if we could meet in a space where there were no definitions, no expectations, no labels of who we are and who the other person is. In a space where who we are is simply dictated by what that very moment requires. In a space where YOU and I do not exist as such. Instead, we are simply being created and re-created spontaneously, each moment, through interaction with one another. Like little energetic magnets with no history behind us.

I guess what I mean is this: what if everything we use to define ourselves by is limiting us from evolving? Everything from our nationality, ethnicity, race, social status, career, achievements, titles and anything else we cling onto in order to retain a sense of “self”.

Perhaps we can take a step back and recognize that these are nothing other than socially constructed labels that have been given too much importance. Not only that, but these labels have been allowed for too long to create a sense of difference between people. To reinforce distance, hatred, false dichotomies of “me against the world”, “I am better than you”, “us” versus “them”. Such labels have been allowed to fuel wars.

What if we let go of all that? What if we stopped interacting based on these labels and instead we acted and interacted purely as energy beings? Clean slates. New growth.

What would the world look like? Would we compete less? Would we judge less? Would we look down on others less? Would we relate from a place of equality? Would we interact more purely?

Would we stop striving to “make it” and instead pause to reconnect with our true selves? Would we be freer? More at peace? Happier? More loving? More creative?

This was The Trail: An Invitation to Let Go Part 3. If you would like to read Parts 1 and 2, these links will take you there:

These are not stories. They are not poems. These are the forests of my heart.




Isabela Vasiliu

I am The Child inside Mother Earth’s womb. I am Mother Earth giving birth to Myself. I am Human. I rise and I fall apart. I plant POETREE, Wisdom and Art.