Travel Smarter — Do Not Travel Before Taking These Items

Abdullah Najm
Published in
4 min readAug 13, 2023

Traveling can be an exhausting experience for many of us, especially those who have never traveled before. However, good planning can make things a lot easier, and therefore, travel will be more exciting.

When talking about good planning, it is important to identify the resources that will be needed during the trip. For this reason, I have created a checklist of items that you must have for a better traveling experience.

1. Smart Phone

Photo by David Dvořáček on Unsplash

I know you may consider this silly because almost everyone has a smartphone that is taken everywhere.

But, the thing that you should know is the importance of smart phones when traveling.

Other than watching movies, playing games, or wasting time, there is one main thing that is required for your trip.

It is your email. Your email has all the flight information, so having it handy is number one on my list before travel. Make sure that the flight is also added to your Google Calendar, so it reminds you before the time of departure.

You can do that by opening your booking details by email.

Sometimes, the flight company may cancel your flight at the last hour before flying, so checking your email before time can save you from various problems.

Besides, I would highly recommend printing all your trip plans and booking information. Having a physical copy of your flight details can be extremely useful, especially when your phone battery dies. This takes us to number 2.

2. Power Bank

Photo by SCREEN POST on Unsplash

A portable power bank can get you through when you cannot find a place to charge your phone. Some countries use 120 volts in their electrical systems, and others use 220 volts. Thus, your phone charge may not work in every airport.

While you find a solution for such a problem, you may want to charge your phone using a battery bank to make sure it does not die before charging.

Make sure to get one with enough capacity.

3. Bag Scale

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Scaling bags is one of the tasks that gets forgotten during the trip. In many ways, you may remember scaling your bag, but you don’t have the scale to do so.

Fortunately, you can buy small bag scales at a cheap price. This may save you from embarrassment and prevent your flight company from scamming you into paying extra for exceeding the weight.

You can find small handy scales on Amazon.

4. Personal Items

Photo by Oscar Nilsson on Unsplash

It is important to include personal items when traveling. This will make airports feel like home. Examples of personal items;

  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Comb
  • Deodorant or perfume
  • Books
  • Sanitizer
  • Mask
  • Travel pillow
  • Slippers

5. Credit Cards and US Dollar

Credit cards are accepted in many countries as a method of payment. You may want to book a train trip or buy food using your credit card.

Photo by Avery Evans on Unsplash

Having a credit card can save you when you don’t have enough money or have not exchanged currencies. Please be aware that banks take up to 3% as a currency exchange fee. You may want to get an international credit card if you travel most often.

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

In addition, you should make sure that you exchange enough currency for US dollars before traveling. Make sure that you don’t put all your money in one spot. In this way, you will have less chance of losing all your money during the trip.

Taking with you small items can make your trip more enjoyable and comfortable. It is very important to set with yourself and think about the items that you should take with you.

Now, What do you think? did I miss anything?



Abdullah Najm

An enthusiastic civil engineer and passionate blogger. I read books, research and write. More information about me > Bio: