Traveling On

A Northerner in the American South



photo by author

We have been traveling across parts of the American South. There have been several coincidences during our travels. We were in Atlanta, Georgia when Fanni Willis took the witness stand and told Trump’s lawyers and the judge that they are full of crap. She told them they had fabricated a case, which is something they are going on trial for doing.

I was in Montgomery Alabama, looking at the statue of Rosa Parks, when the State Supreme Court, which was just a few blocks away, announced their decision that frozen embryos were people and that destroying the frozen embryos that are being kept for people who are seeking in vitro fertilization is a felony. Anyone who commits that crime could be tried for murder.

We moved on to Birmingham, where we toured the 16th Street Baptist Church, which was bombed by the KKK in 1963, killing four young girls. The bombing shocked the nation and the world. The weekend before we arrived four men were shot dead on a Saturday night. The number of homicides in Birmingham this year has reached 14 by February 17. People are very upset, but no one is shocked.

During our trip through the South, many people have been very welcoming and kind to us. People gave us directions, and recommendations, and were very open about explaining their history. The bridge in the…




I have been mumbling almost incoherently in response to life's problems for a long, long time. Contact me at