Treating Insomnia: My No. 1 Method for Falling Into Deep Sleep

If you’re struggling with sleep, this may help

Aparna Muktibodh


A depiction of a state of trance.
Photo by FLY:D on Unsplash

I’m not a good sleeper. It’s difficult for me to fall asleep or stay asleep.

I sleep a lot more now than I used to. For the better part of a decade, I’ve survived on very little sleep. I could go for a couple of nights in a row without any shut-eye and still show up for work the next day and give it my all.

I was much younger then, and as you may know, people in their 20s can get away with anything. You could party all night and still turn up at a conference at 9 AM, all bright and perky.

But then you get older and become a parent, and the effects of sleep deficiency start catching up with you.

Despite a tremendous sleep deficit, I still can’t sleep as much as I need to unless I employ a few hacks.

If you also have trouble falling asleep, the following may help.

(But first, a disclaimer: This is only my personal experience and not medical advice. If you’re struggling with sleep, you may want to seek professional help.)

With that out of the way, let’s dive into my go-to method for a good night’s sleep.

Listen to Delta Wave Music for Falling Into…

