True Love

Let’s be real and true, there’s no perfect love.

Tony Young, Jr.
Published in
4 min readJul 8, 2020


Photo by Boris Smokrovic on Unsplash

We all want that special someone in our life. That person we can come home to and make us smile, show us love, give us love, and tell us “I love you”. Some of us have true love, but some of us want perfect love. There aren’t many, if any, that have perfect love, but most of us have true love, as all relationships have good and bad times.

Meeting that Special Someone

Back in the day, many people married young and had arranged marriages. However, in some cultures, the arranged marriages still exist, and seems to be working for some. But, for most of us, we are doing the best we know how to find someone good. Finding a good love interest is like finding a needle in a haystack. To our advantage, we have more options now, than people had many years ago. We’re now able to meet people online, in meetup groups, dating shows, phone apps, and other options. Whichever option is chosen, caution should be priority, as everyone isn’t honest with the information in their profile.

Be sure to get as close to a good match as possible, ensuring the other person’s interests aligns with yours. As adults, most of us are set in our ways, and many aren’t going to change much, so never go into a relationship thinking someone will change over time. People will pretend temporarily to win your…



Tony Young, Jr.
Tone Squared

Author and writer! My goal is to inspire readers to enjoy life, be responsible, and be kind during our short time in this world.