True Love Is Falling In Love With Who You Are In The Relationship

Yolk Gemini
Published in
2 min read5 days ago


The concept of twin flames is just that, a concept, but its essence is truly falling in love with yourself, being completely yourself when you’re with them.

Photo by Cassie Lopez on Unsplash

Twin flames are true love.

No matter what you call this person, they’re another version of you.

I’ve realized something recently.

We don’t fall in love with someone else.

We can’t even clearly define what love is, let alone explain who we’ve fallen in love with or what we love about them.

We simply fall in love with ourselves in that relationship.

A couple of days ago, when I was discussing this with my partner, we figured it out.

I hadn’t thought about this in a long time.

I’m sure I’ve come across this idea somewhere before, but I truly felt it in that moment.

I can never explain exactly what I like or love about them.

I suddenly turned the question back on myself.

At that moment, or rather in this relationship, I realized I love myself.

I’m being my true self.

So I say, in our relationships, especially intimate ones, don’t try to change or influence…



Yolk Gemini

I share my twin flame experiences and the messages I've received here. My mission is to convey these most sincere messages and share love. Editor of Twin Flame.