*4*TRUE SCARY*life-lessons* of *REAL*(haunted)* JUNGLES.


into the jungle
5 min readMar 29, 2024


1. The Devil’s Tramping Ground (North Carolina, USA)**

image by Jason Horne on Wikipedia

North Carolina Deep in the woods near the town of Harper’s Crossroad North Carolina there’s a mysterious 40-foot ring where it is rumored a demon or the devil stomps in a circle as he thinks up new ways to destroy humanity,

legend has it this is where he invented student-loan death and boy bands so what’s odd about this place besides all the legends and all those scary stories,

is nothing grows here, it’s a circle in the middle of the woods that’s barren, everything around the Circle grows just fine, just not in a circle, even the North Carolina State Department of Agriculture has supposedly taken soil samples and has yet to come up with any explanation to why this patch is devoid of growth late at night.

People have reported hearing a man laugh, like really loud in the middle of the forest.

2. Doll Island (Mexico)**

image by Amrith Raj on Wikipedia

There’s an island near Mexico City that has around 1000 dolls hanging from the tree, saying this is a little creepy as a series understatement the island-only resident back in the day Don Julio Santana discovered the body of a young girl in one of the canals near the island over fifty years ago,

a couple days after finding the girl’s body, he found a doll floating in the same spot so he hung up the doll on a tree for some reason, over the years whenever he would find a doll he would bring it back to the island and Hang it up in one of the trees in whatever condition he found it,

missing an arm missing legs eyes whatever, this of course makes the whole thing extra crazy looking, he was doing this because he thought it would protect him from the spirit of the little girl that remained on the island.

image by Esparta Palma on Wikipedia

Santana strung up about a thousand dolls until his death in 2001, he drowned in the very same canal, now some say that’s untrue that he died of a heart attack, I don’t know, I wasn’t there when he kicked the oxygen habit,

now you’re probably wondering where this is, it’s south of the center of Mexico City in farmland with some canals in it, the Aztecs actually built the canals but in the canals, they have these brightly colored canal boats sort of like Venice Italy’s boats you know for the canals these just look more like the Partridge Family bought a boat to mushrooms and started painting it,

image by KatyaMSL on Wikipedia

takes about four hours round-trip if it’s less than that, They’ve taken you to a fake island about 30 minutes away the real Island, has a bamboo fence around it and you could barely see what’s going on you can see some of the dolls but not many so there’s no bamboo fence and it’s less than two hours away you’re at the wrong one.

(check out my beautiful jungle wall art collection)

3. Freetown Fall River State Forest (Massachusetts, USA)**

image by Kenneth C. Zirkel on Wikipedia

This forest is part of what they call the Bridgewater Triangle. It’s about a 200-square-mile area in Massachusetts that has all kinds of paranormal activity. The Native Americans who occupied this area before in the 1600s they sold it reluctantly, left behind some burial grounds,

this is apparently part of what’s wrong with this place. Most people think since the 1900s they found more than a few bodies in the woods here including a young girl in 1978 that was tied to a tree and left for dead, she did die.

image by Kenneth C. Zirkel on Wikipedia

The good news is the killer was caught, convicted and eventually died in prison. Many people believe the forest exerts a dark influence that drives people to do bad things and even commit suicide,

then of course it is believed that the site was used for satanic murders in the 1970s and 80s that’s one’s pretty dark. I’m not even getting into that one, the fun doesn’t stop there. They had reports of UFOs poltergeist fireballs and most upsetting were the reports of an escaped EMU wandering the forest in 2006 even President Reagan said he had seen things in these woods.

4. Randolph Forest (Maine, USA)**

image by: Jean-Luc Theriault on personal blog mainetrailfinder.com

Randolph Maine is one of the smaller towns in the state with a river to the west and forest pretty much in all other directions, it has reputation for being haunted floating orbs dark shadows and screams of get out are just some of the hauntings that happen in the Randolph forest,

many of these eerie stories take place on the town’s old narrow gauge volunteer Trail known as the most haunted hike in Maine, the most well-known spirit here is known as bicycle Larry, he was a beloved local who went missing bike and all Lauren’s bicycle, Larry Farrell disappeared in fall of 2004.

image by: Jean-Luc Theriault on personal blog mainetrailfinder.com
image by: Jean-Luc Theriault on personal blog mainetrailfinder.com

in the winter, Norris Perry died by suicide after leaving a voice message with his sister saying that he had killed Ferrell and that the body could be found in the brook behind the home they shared, investigators searched for months but never found any trace of Larry, his bicycle or even any evidence that there was a murder, nobody knows for sure what happened to him but the locals will tell you he was murdered by Norris Perry.

that’s it for today, I hope you learned something, AND don’t forget to check out my amazing beautiful jungle wall art collection in my teespring store, peace.

jungle wall art collection
jungle wall art collection
jungle wall art collection

