Trump and MLK

Skeptical White Male
Published in
4 min readJul 4, 2024
Photo by Library of Congress on Unsplash

I’m gonna throw out some ideologies of a man whose name I will divulge afterwards.

  1. This guy referred to Congresswoman Maxine Waters as “Ol’ Maxi Pad.”
  2. “Note to homosexuals,” he wrote, “Your homosexuality is a FILTHY ABOMINATION, that satisfies your degenerate, unnatural lust.”
  3. After Nancy Pelosi’s 82-year-old husband, Paul, was bludgeoned by a hammer by David DePape, this guy posted a photo of a Halloween costume of a man brandishing a hammer. “I’m sorry Paul,” he captioned the image, “I don’t believe you or the press!!!!”
  4. Regarding the Greensboro, North Carolina sit-ins in 1960 where Black people non-violently sat at the counter of the then segregated Woolworth’s store, this particular individual said that integration was a ploy to destroy the free market and argued if Woolworth’s refused to feed Black customers, they should have taken their business elsewhere. Yes, of course. Because there were a ton of businesses in the South who were serving Black people in 1960. Maybe Black people should have just gone to the Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream shop across the street to eat. Screw Woolworth’s.
  5. Martin Luther King was a “communist” and an “ersatz pastor.” Sorry, I had to google that. I’ve never heard the term “ersatz” in my life. It means he considers MLK an “inferior pastor.”
  6. On March 7, 1965, Alabama police officers fractured the skull of civil rights icon John Lewis on a day remembered as “Bloody Sunday.” This particular man wrote, “Hey John Lewis, just because you got beat up by some Democrats in 1965 doesn’t mean you can’t get criticized by some Republicans in 2017.”
  7. He said that slavery of the mind was worse than actual slavery. Oh, if only this hypothesis could be tested on himself.

This particular guy is North Carolina gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson. A Black guy who I’ll be willing to bet goes fishing with Clarence Thomas as they discuss how lazy Black people and “welfare queens” need to pull themselves up from the bootstraps.

Why am I bothered by this? I’ve heard way worse out of other people’s mouths throughout my lifetime.

This bothers me because Donald J. Trump referred to this clown as “better” than Martin Luther King. He even doubled down and said he was Martin Luther King on steroids. It’s not like I’m just finding out that not only does Trump lie, but he’s reprehensible as well. It was just a bridge too far at this point in my life.

So, after months of hand-wringing about how I’m going to vote and who I’m going to vote for, this particular characterization of MLK and others by a ridiculous Black conservative who craves the approval of white people while at the same time being endorsed by a former president who is trying to win the Black vote… Nah, I can’t.

I was seriously thinking about sitting this one out. Genocide Joe Biden has a lot of blood on his hands for supporting Israel’s war crimes against Gaza. Will Trump be any worse? How could he be? Biden signed off on this pro-Netanyahu blood bath.

Should I vote for RFK, Jr. as a protest vote? Are you crazy? He’s a nutcase. Anyone who thinks Aaron Rodgers who is a professional quarterback and conspiracy theorist should be a good pick for vice president has lost his mind.

So what’s next? Biden? Kamala Harris? I wouldn’t trust either one of them to go on a beer run for me. Biden would get lost and Kamala might go and it’s quite possible she may not depending on her mood.

Kamala’s popularity is worse than Biden’s. Her accomplishments as a vice president is dubious at best. These two can’t beat Trump.

However, I have four choices- Biden, Kamala, RFK, Jr., and Trump… or sit it out.

The fact that Trump disrespects MLK in favor of… yes, I know, as a White person, I shouldn’t refer to a Black man as an Uncle Tom but, Loooooord, Mark Robinson just sort of puts the exclamation point on who he is.

If Biden drools on himself and falls down every chance he gets, I will still vote for him. If he bows out, I will vote for Kamala. And I will do so reluctantly, but the alternative is a complete shit show.

Photo by Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash



Skeptical White Male

Proudly uncool. Unfortunate follower of current events. Expertise: Putting my foot in my mouth. I write mostly about race and mental illness and film.