Trump May Be My President, But He Doesn’t Speak For Me

BLM is a symbol of truth.

Helen Cassidy Page


I never thought I’d be grateful to Donald Trump, but he solved a myriad of problems for me today.

I’ve been trying to get back on my pony. In the before time, I was a relatively prolific writer. At least a regular writer. You could count on me to spit some drivel out every day.

I kept up my routine until about halfway into my solo isolation, and then I ground to a halt. Except for a post here and there, I’ve been mostly AWOL. I decided I’d start off the second half of the year with a rousing article and get back in the groove with my previous output. But after starting several pieces, I couldn’t get to the finish line. More about that later. I feared I was doomed to the writing block dungeon, and then our fearful leader came to my rescue.

I can’t say what act of Trump has been most hideous in my estimation. As so many of us know, many vie for the gold ribbon. Incarcerating children. Cheating cancer patients through his fake charities. Cheating taxpayers through his emolument scams. Russia, Russia, Russia.

This Liar-in-Chief is an embarrassment of riches when it comes to offering up reasons for kicking him out of office. At the very least, he’s an embarrassment, am I right? Ask the victims of this pandemic…



Helen Cassidy Page

Writer, editor, researcher, aging expert, life coach, sand tray coach. Read one of my 55 titles on Amazon: