Trump’s Shocking Admission Exposes GOP’s Bigoted Agenda

Meaningful governance VS culture wars

Gabriel Bertrand


Photo by History in HD on Unsplash

Republicans prioritize fueling divisive culture wars through bigoted attacks on minorities rather than engaging in meaningful governance.

During a rally in North Carolina on Saturday, the former president, who has faced two indictments and two impeachments, made the following statement:

“I will keep men out of women’s sports, okay… Who would even think that you can allow this? Who would say that this is okay? These people are sick. They are deranged… on day one, I will immediately sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, transgender insanity, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children….”

Notably unoriginal yet disheartening, the crowd’s enthusiastic response prompted Trump to make an exceptionally significant and revealing statement.

“It’s astonishing how passionately people react to that. When you talk about tax cuts, they remain calm. But when you mention transgender issues, everyone goes wild. Who would have imagined five years ago that they wouldn’t even know what ‘it’ meant?

Indeed remarkable. Donald Trump, even in his role as the modern-day P. T. Barnum, finds it…



Gabriel Bertrand

Graphic designer. I'm on a sabbatical in order to write screenplays.