Trusting The Creative Process

Focusing on the process rather than the results…

Hüseyin GÜZEL
2 min readApr 26, 2024


We often focus on the outcome rather than the process required to achieve our goals. By doing so we lose focus on the long term goal. But if we trust the process, we will not only achieve our goals, we will gain other benefits along the way.

Trusting the process

As Donna Goddard shares with profound wisdom, “Trust the creative process. You are a walking, breathing bundle of possibility and potential.” This statement highlights an important change of perspective in our lives. This quote emphasizes trusting the process rather than focusing on the outcome.

Often, success and results become our goal. However, the process of creativity and development is often as valuable as achieving these results. Each step, each experience, and each learning opportunity appears as a valuable teacher in our journey of self-discovery.

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The creative process requires flexibility, adaptation and openness to learning. The results may not be what we expected, but the experiences we gain along the way can lead us to deeper understanding and personal growth.

Trusting the process means enjoying the moment and knowing that every moment has potential.

Each step carries the next possibility and potential. On this path we follow, instead of focusing on the goal, we can increase our awareness of what we learn along the way, who we are and where we are going.

Results are important, of course, but our experiences and growth in the creative process are what creates real value.

As Donna Goddard suggests, engaging with the process as a walking possibility, a breathing possibility, in the richness of creativity and potential, can contribute to true happiness and finding meaning.

Hüseyin GÜZEL

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Hüseyin GÜZEL

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