Try New Things Whenever You Can

Ready for New Adventures?

Kelly Serra


Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

For years, I’ve lived by a simple motto: keep things fresh, mix them up, and never shy away from a new adventure.

Why, you ask? Well, it’s my little recipe for staying sane and finding those pockets of pure joy. Sure, routines are like the cozy blanket we all love, but stepping out of our comfort zones? That’s where the real magic happens.
And, no matter if everything goes swimmingly or falls apart spectacularly, learning how to extract the good from it all having stories to tell in the future, and learning to laugh at our own “misfortunes,” well, that’s just wonderful.

Whether it’s savoring exotic cuisines, diving headfirst into extreme sports, exploring uncharted territories, or even embracing a new language or switching up my style, even if it means abandoning my daily black attire — the excitement of experimentation courses through my veins. Old photos
(2009–2014), capturing a time when change was constant, even down to the color of my hair.

Countless versions of Kelly reside within me, each cherished in its way. . I love myself more now, but it’s all good! :D — Photo by the author



Kelly Serra

From Rio to Finland's chill. Marketer, "sometimes-writer", traveler, mom, social volunteer, entrepreneur. Join my world of stories & experiences! 🐾💌