Try this 5-Minute Rule Today!

Rubi Joshi
Published in
4 min readOct 8, 2023

Start Now! Only for Five Minutes….

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Have you ever had those little tasks that you keep delaying, organizing your workspace, cleaning up, exercising, or beginning an online course?

We all do, and it’s a real hassle. But guess what? Here’s solution for you: The 5-Minute Rule. It’s the key to breaking free from procrastination and getting things done!

What is 5 Minute Rule?

The 5-Minute Rule is a strategy that encourages you to start working on a task for just five minutes, regardless of how daunting it may seem.

The idea is to overcome procrastination and resistance by making a small, manageable commitment. Once you begin, you often find it easier to continue working on the task.


  • Beat Procrastination: The 5-Minute Rule reduces resistance and excuses.
  • Build Momentum: Those initial five minutes often lead to a productive flow.
  • Never Too Busy: You can find five minutes even on busy days.
  • Reduce Anxiety: Break down large tasks into manageable 5-minute chunks.
  • Flexible Stop: You can stop after five minutes guilt-free.
  • Structured Work: Automatically break tasks into small steps.
  • Improved Focus: When you concentrate on a task for a short period, it can improve your overall focus and attention span over time.
  • Consistency: Regular application establishes productive habits, supporting long-term goal achievement
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Your Own 5 Minute Plan

Here’s how you can put the 5-Minute Rule into action:

  • Select a Task: Choose a task or project you’ve been putting off. It could be work-related, personal, or even a hobby.
  • Set a Timer: Set a timer for 5 minutes. You can use a traditional timer or a timer app on your phone.
  • Start Working: As soon as the timer begins, dive into the task. Don’t overthink it; just take the first step.
  • Evaluate After 5 Minutes: When the timer goes off, evaluate your progress and decide whether to continue for another 5 minutes or longer.
  • Repeat as Needed: You can repeat these 5-minute intervals as many times as you want. Often, you’ll find that once you’ve started, it’s easier to keep going.
  • Prepare for Interruptions: Keep a margin for adjusting your schedule if unexpected things happen.
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Advanced Strategies with the 5-Minute Rule

While the basic concept of the 5-Minute Rule is straightforward, there are advanced strategies you can employ to maximize its effectiveness:

  1. Task Batching: Group similar tasks into 5-minute blocks. For example, allocate one block for responding to emails, another for making phone calls, and another for brainstorming ideas. This helps you maintain focus on similar activities and minimizes context-switching.
  2. Pomodoro Technique Integration: Combine the 5-Minute Rule with the Pomodoro Technique. Work intensely on a single task for 25 minutes, followed by a 5-minute break. This approach combines focused bursts of work with the flexibility of the 5-Minute Rule.

To know more about Pomodoro Technique:

  1. Time Blocking for Planning: Dedicate a few 5-minute blocks at the start of your day or week for planning and scheduling. This allows you to map out your tasks, allocate time to them, and set priorities.
  2. Progress Tracking: Use a journal or digital tool to track your 5-minute blocks. Review your progress regularly to identify patterns, adjust your schedule, and optimize your productivity further.
  3. Experiment and Adjust: The 5-Minute Rule is highly adaptable. Experiment with different time block configurations to find what works best for you. Adjust your approach based on your evolving needs and goals.
Photo by Malvestida on Unsplash

Time blocking for handling disruptions helps you stay focused, reduce stress, and avoid feeling overwhelmed. By implementing the 5-Minute Rule, you’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish over time, and you’ll develop a more proactive and productive mindset.

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Rubi Joshi

✒️🌸Philosophy, Humor, Sci-Fi and Out-of-the-Box Facts Writer.🌸✒️ Open to contracts and projects. For Business Inquiries, contact: