Turning Mental Chaos into Cohesive Writing

A semi-autobiography and introduction.

Rachel Lynn


A woman wearing headphones and writing in a notebook with a laptop nearby.
Photo by Ivan Samkov from Pexels

Last week this question was asked in a Facebook group for writers:

Why did you start writing?

Motivation is a deeply personal thing. Not surprisingly, the answers were all unique.

  • To share knowledge
  • To express my thoughts
  • To keep notes for my own learning
  • To cope with anxiety during the pandemic isolation
  • To make money
  • To leave a legacy for my descendants
  • To enjoy writing

This question made me think about why I write.

I have always said that I write to untangle the thoughts in my chaotic mind. This still rings true.

I’m one of those people who need to talk about something to figure it out, a verbal processor. My husband is the opposite. He won’t talk about something unless he has already figured it out.

This is problematic for me. If we can’t talk about it yet, how will I ever know what I think?

I don’t think there is such a thing as an idea without words, because your language is your…



Rachel Lynn

Turning mental chaos into cohesive writing. Untangling thoughts about chronic illness, mental health, parenting, and spirituality.