Turning the Tables on Your Inner Critic: A Revolutionary Approach to Self-Dialogue

Kris Freeman
Published in
5 min readFeb 8, 2024


Photo by Christopher Lemercier on Unsplash

We’ve been taught that success comes by ignoring our inner critic and doing “it” anyway. You know the old saying, “Feel the fear but do it anyways,” it’s like that. We’re telling ourselves to ignore the self-talk and get on with life.

But what if the way through your inner critic was not ignoring him or her but talking to them in a way that’s like calling B.S. on a friend? Sounds a little too easy. And I get that, but I know from personal experience that it works better than bullying your way past that nagging voice.

Aren’t you bored with “I’m not good enough” or “I don’t deserve that?”

Would you rather say, “I overcame this with a lot of hard work,” or “I moved through this by honestly questioning the voices in my head?” The second one is a heck of a lot easier!

Yes, you can have a relationship with your inner critic that removes it from the driver’s seat of your life.

If you’re just a little bit curious, follow me as we unwrap this idea!

The Micro-Manager Within: Understanding the Ego’s Constraints



Kris Freeman

Falling Flat on My Face, Getting Up Again, And Asking “What IS Next? AND “What Else Is Possible That I’ve Refused to Consider?” krisfreeman983@gmail.com