Twelve Hours of Work, a Pocket Flask And a Bible

There lies no glory in suffering in silence

Tristan Tell


Pixabay via Pexels

„Warriors don’t show their heart unless the axe reveals it.“

— Floki, Vikings

True warriors don’t cry.

Asking for help is a sign of weakness.

Real men go through it alone.

Those were the beliefs I held growing up.

My grandfather, despite experiencing great loss during the Second World War, remained stoic in front of others. His „therapy“ consisted of twelve hours of work, a pack of cigarettes, a pocket flask, and reading the Bible every day.

My mother was always there for me and her friends. Yet, she adopted the same stoic mindset as her father regarding her own problems. And so did I:

  • Don’t talk about your problems.
  • You don’t need help.
  • You are strong enough to do it on your own.

Those were our core beliefs.

Are you willing to lose friends over this?

Today, I know that going through hard times alone is not a sign of strength, it is a sign of stupidity.

