Finding my purpose was only the beginning

Twenty-five Years Ago I Made A Choice

4 Reasons Why One Decision Changed Everything

Published in
9 min readAug 7, 2020


On August 5, 1995, I decided to embrace a whole new way of living. I was only fourteen years old at the time and the only one in my family to take this leap of faith. It turned out to be the best decision I’ve ever made.

My decision included adopting a whole new way of thinking. It was all about creating a new foundation to build my principles and values upon. I wanted to demonstrate a commitment to show myself and the world that I wanted to be a good person, for the long term.

I decided to focus on one way of living, a way that would keep me morally clean, in the service of my fellow beings, a doer of good, a person that has integrity and love for others.

This pivotal decision included being baptized and joining The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, sometimes referred to as the “Mormon Church”. (That’s a nickname and not the official name of the church. It comes from the “Book of Mormon”, which we believe is another book of scripture.)

Now, this post, however, is not to highlight anything about my religion, just some benefits of a decision I made in my life which stemmed from joining this…




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