Twin Flames—The Hero’s Journey

Michele Lynch
Published in
9 min readSep 15, 2022


An image of a large castle surrounded with clouds. There’s a moat and water and the mirror image of the castle is reflected in the water. It looks magical and represents the Twin Flame journey as a mythical hero’s journey.
Photo by Tim Rebkavets on Unsplash

The common misconception with Twin Flames — is that this is a romantic story — a spiritual happily every after.

More and more people are wanting to meet their Twin Flame. It’s being viewed as an idealized concept and the ultimate partnership.

The concept itself can seem to be what fairy tales are made of…

Once upon a time there was a beautiful soul that only knew unconditional love. But one day this soul decided it wanted to experience itself as separate—so it split into two. Then these twin souls went down to Earth to experience themselves as two separate people. These two people were destined to meet and find their way back to union — as Twin Flames — and live happily ever after.

However, the challenge and reality is — these two people have to match the vibration of their soul before they can come back together — which is not an easy task. The other challenge is — usually only one of the Twin Souls knows that they’re on this journey and the other doesn’t.

The Hero’s Journey



Michele Lynch

Writer, dreamer, creator, lover, dancer, choreographer, explorer, life-long seeker. *