Twitter NFTs

“Excuse Me, Sir, May I Buy Your Tweet?”

T. Dylan Daniel
Published in
8 min readJan 19, 2021


Thanks to Cryptowriter for providing the featured image.

The Cent social media network has launched Valuables, a service that allows users to buy digitally autographed unique tweets. That’s right, tweets as in Twitter. Follow the account here to see the action in real time. Apparently, total offer volume has exceeded $150,000 already, but the network has only seen about 10% to 20% of those offers accepted. I caught up with Matthew and Cameron from Cent to get the inside story about this disruptive innovation.

Tweet that and I’ll buy it.


Let me take a step back to introduce the wider audience to the Cent community. It’s basically a blockchain-powered online collective for artists, and it enables users to tip one another for creating content on the network in Ethereum or “seed” creators they want to help support.

When I first heard about the new product, I thought it was a terrible idea. Why would anyone want to buy someone’s tweet? I turned the idea over in my head for a few hours anyway, before making my first offer for someone else’s tweet. I found myself laughing as I diverted some Ethereum to pay for this bout of silliness, but then my jaw dropped when I saw the $6 transaction fee! An egregious amount of money to have to pay to offer a random tweeter $5 for…



T. Dylan Daniel

Philosopher. Founder of WIP Publishing & PAGE DAO. Author of Formal Dialectics and Bring Back Satire.