Digressing Down a Rabbit Hole…


What’s Compelling Your Pen?

Jarrett Wilson
Published in
6 min readFeb 19, 2022


Image by Momentmal from Pixabay

Let’s talk about spinning wheels.

I’ve been at this writing thing for a while. I’ve had a few short stories published, I’ve made like $8.03 from the medium partner program. I’m reluctantly active on Twitter with ~2700 followers. I follow the proper Twitter etiquette (Twitiquette?) and follow back.

“Gosh, 2700ish followers? You must get a lot of views/reads!” Quoth the neophyte, uninitiated in the rigors and rituals of the modern writing hustle. Listen, I’m not deluded enough to think that even half my followers, let alone all of them, will read or even view my stories. How about one in five? 20%? 540 loyal fans? Does that seem reasonable?

A Spicy Digression

To demonstrate, picture 90s supergroup “The Spice Girls” — Baby, Ginger, Posh, Scary and Sporty Spices — loyal Twitter followers all, see the tweet plugging my latest story on their feeds –



Jarrett Wilson

The Age of Reason has turned to treason. Thanks, Thief@scpercy777