Tying Up Loose Ends

Steps to take for abundance to show up

Trista Signe Ainsworth


Photo by Ella Jardim un Unsplash

This morning I woke up with a fire in my soul. I had a feeling that lots of things needed to be done today. Yesterday’s events ignited that fire. I am preparing to receive as I also give. Abundance is showing me the way. Sometimes these signals feel like obstacles like the internet going out or my phone not working. However, they are all preparing me for something greater. They are taking my focus off of the unimportant, to things that need my attention. It is all part of my 100-day journey focusing on abundance and exploring the book The Tao of Abundance: Eight Ancient Principles for Abundant Living by Laurence G. Boldt.

My phone was inoperable for most of the day yesterday. It turned out that I needed to do a factory reset on my phone to get it running again. It was a blessing in disguise. I believe that the universe and abundance were pointing me in the direction of lots of loose ends I had to tie up. Often when we have all of our devices running, we lose track of what is paramount in our lives.

When one’s feeling capacity is open, one realizes-not as a thought but as an ongoing felt experience- that one is being nourished by all of life. One has the experience of the gift, the…



Trista Signe Ainsworth

I write stories of love and encouragement from my heart to yours.