Types Of Material Pleasures/Happiness, That A Human Being Can Enjoy, According To The Scriptures.

3 types of pleasures/enjoyment/happiness in this material universe.

Prabhank Sarwaikar
2 min readJul 31, 2023


Photo by George Bakos on Unsplash

In the scriptures, material pleasure/happiness is divided into 3 categories. These are-

  1. Tamasic happiness (The happiness in the mode of ignorance) - The pleasure and happiness, we get from intoxication, laziness, anger, violence, etc. This type of happiness can lead the soul into darkness and ignorance. That is why it is strictly/strongly prohibited in the scriptures.
  2. Rajasic happiness (The happiness in the mode of passion)- The pleasure and happiness, we get from the desire of an object like watching TV, listening to music, and many others, where the senses come in contact with the object, or with a thing. Here, the desire for happiness never gets fulfilled and keeps increasing. The whole world is running behind this. It makes the mind, more and more desirous.
  3. Saatvik happiness (The happiness in the mode of goodness)- The pleasure and happiness, we get from nature, weather, sunset/sunrise, beautiful scenery, etc. This happiness makes the mind calm and peaceful; it uplifts, helps develop virtues within you, and can be enjoyed to a certain extent, point, or limit.

Saatvik happiness can also be enjoyed to a limit because it is also material and can divert our mind from remembering God as our main aim as a soul is divine happiness, and not material happiness.

All three of them (Saatvik happiness, Rajasik happiness, Tamasik happiness), come under material happiness, which can lead to the diversion of the mind from thinking of the divine and some of them can even lead to problems and danger.

For Rajasik and Tamasik happiness, one is strictly prohibited and the other is not beneficial either. Saatvik happiness can be enjoyed to a limit, but it also comes under material happiness. Still, if Saatvik happiness is enjoyed to a limit, there is no problem.

(If you want to learn about spirituality and devotion, below is the link to Swami Mukunananda’s devotional course, where he has explained spirituality and devotion from the very start in simple language, through short (15- 20 min) videos.)

Daily Sadhana | (mydailysadhana.org)

