UK Nurse Killed 7 Newborn Babies: Writes “I Am Evil, I Did This”

The youngest child she killed was just one-day old. But wait, there’s more.

Aditi N Jha
4 min readAug 21, 2023


UK Nurse Killed 7 Newborn Babies: Writes “I Am Evil, I Did This”
UK Nurse Killed 7 Newborn Babies: Writes “I Am Evil, I Did This” Photo by NEOSiAM 2021 on Pexels

Meet the worst child serial killer in the history of the UK — Lucy Letby.

In a harrowing saga that has sent shock waves through the medical community, this neonatal nurse has been found guilty of murdering seven babies and attempting to kill six more.

As the chilling details of her heinous acts came to light during one of the longest-running murder trials in recent times, a haunting narrative began to emerge, exposing the twisted motives behind her unspeakable crimes.

But what did she gain from committing such murders? Let’s dive a bit deeper into the case to understand this.

A Calculated and Cold-Blooded Murderer

Letby’s reign of terror unfolded in a calculated and cold-blooded manner, leaving a trail of innocent lives cut short.

She was found guilty of the “persistent, calculated, and cold-blooded” murder of five premature boys and two newborn girls. Her actions demonstrated an eerie sense of control and detachment, as she attacked vulnerable babies just moments after their parents or nurses had left their side.

The court proceedings held at Manchester Crown Court witnessed the emotional turmoil of bereaved parents, their gasps and tears echoing the magnitude of the horror inflicted upon their beloved children.

Urgent Questions and Lingering Concerns

As the guilty verdicts reverberated through the courtroom, everyone was left grappling with urgent questions surrounding how such atrocities could have occurred and persisted undetected.

With ministers ordering an independent inquiry into the circumstances that allowed Letby’s sinister campaign to unfold, a whistleblower emerged, shedding light on missed opportunities.

Dr. Stephen Brearey, the whistleblower, believed that early intervention by hospital executives in response to concerns about Letby could have potentially saved lives.

He expressed a sense of neglect on the part of hospital leadership for failing to involve the police sooner.

Tell that to the parents who lost their young ones, I guess.

Who In Their Right Mind Would Do This?

Now, coming to the main question — why would anyone, let alone a nurse, kill innocent babies?

Peeling back the layers of Lucy Letby’s motives reveals a disturbing mosaic of psychological turmoil and sinister intentions. According to the proceedings of the court, the following motives have come to light:

She Thought Of Herself As God

The motive of power emerges as one of the driving forces behind her actions. Prosecutors argued that Letby enjoyed the feeling of playing God, exerting control over the lives of these helpless infants.

A Complex Web of Relationships

Another chilling motive emerged from the shadows — Letby’s potential secret relationship with a married doctor at the hospital.

The court heard that she had exchanged love heart emojis and met the doctor outside of work, even after her removal from the neonatal unit. Prosecutors suggested that Letby harmed the babies to gain the doctor’s attention, painting a picture of manipulation and a dangerous obsession.

The Struggles of Inadequacy

The notes discovered in Letby’s possession tell us about a haunting internal struggle marked by feelings of inadequacy and desolation.

Her confessions to deliberately harming the babies because she felt not good enough to care for them and her conviction that she would never have a family, shed light on her deeply troubled mindset.

In one of her handwritten notes, Lucy wrote “I Am Evil, I Did This”. She claimed that it was because she felt guilty that the babies died of ‘natural causes’ under her watch, but it wasn’t enough to convince the jury.

She Was Just Bored

The trial further illuminated Letby’s unsettling mindset. As a skilled nurse responsible for caring for the sickest infants in the neonatal unit, she acknowledged that she occasionally found her work monotonous when assigned to babies requiring less medical attention.

This seemingly mundane aspect of her career might have contributed to the unfolding horror, as Letby embarked on a gruesome path to break free from the ennui that had settled into her life.

Important Lesson: Evil Exists All Around Us, And It Wears The Mask Of Normalcy

As the UK grapples with the aftermath of this horrifying ordeal, society is left with a sense of deep unease and a pressing need for answers.

The legacy of those innocent lives lost will forever be a reminder of the darkness that can lurk behind even the most trusted faces.

Letby may be going to jail for the rest of her life, but there are maybe hundreds of thousands more psychos praying on innocent lives right now. And, the worst part is that you will never know whether it is your doctor or your helper.

Lucy Letby Found Guilty: Now What?

As Lucy Letby faces the possibility of a whole-life term, there is a glimmer of justice for the victims and their families. However, the scars left by her actions will never fully heal.

The haunting motives that drove her to commit these unimaginable crimes will continue to haunt the collective consciousness.

The story of Lucy Letby is a stark reminder that vigilance, accountability, and a commitment to safeguarding the vulnerable, are essential to preventing such tragedies in the future.

In the end, the chilling tale of Lucy Letby serves as a stark reminder that the human psyche is capable of unfathomable darkness, even within the confines of a medical setting that is meant to heal.

The search for answers continues, as there is no definitive way of knowing about the twisted motives that led to one of the darkest chapters in modern British history.

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