Unbreakable, Split, And Glass. 3 Techniques To Unleash The Shadow Gods Within You.

2. Never Split The Difference

Ahmadou DIALLO ✪


He has some conditions that make his bones crack. He balances his weak body with a strong brain. His name is Elijah, aka Mr. Brain.

He is a regular guy. He has a typical 9 to 5 job. Yet he has superhuman strength and can sense the bad in people. His name is David, aka Mr. Body.

Elijah and David are the two main protagonists in Unbreakable, the first movie by the famous director M. Night Shyamalan, most known for The Six Sense.

He has multiple personalities, more precisely 24 of them struggling to get some shed of his light. His name is Kevin, aka Mr. Beast.

Kevin and his 24 other identities are the main protagonists in the second movie of the Unbreakable trilogy, Split.

In Glass, the final act of the trilogy, the Brain, the Body, and the Beast meet in a last act to resolve their issue. The three superheroes, Elijah, David, and Kevin, will unleash their power to their fullest potential.

He can feel the sun burning his skin. He continues wandering in the Sahara desert. He has not slept for weeks.

He has not eaten for days. He has not drunk water for hours. His only companion in this…



Ahmadou DIALLO ✪

🏆 Top Medium Writer in Ideas. I am a professional storyteller who can help you share your stories. Find out more here: https://www.madception.com