Psychology | Technology | Life Lessons | Self Reflection

Understand Yourself First…Before You Make Your Life Better”- What Coronavirus Taught Me.

What makes learning Psychology so important during this Pandemic.



Aristotle once said, “ Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom”. This saying was always around us except we did not have the time to ponder upon it. Bustling through the busy life, we often forgot to listen to our inner feelings, voices that defined us and reflect on life. But life has been different for all of us for the past few months and it gave me an opportunity to know who I am and how did I become the person today. Yes, I thank coronavirus for this and in a bit, you will know why !!

When I coined the term technology, what comes to your mind? I think of social media like Facebook, tech-genius like Elon Musk or movies like Avengers! Well most of the technologies have made our life easier and there is no doubt at that, but that ease of life definitely came with a cost. The time we saved by the use of technology, where did we spend it?

Answer: To generate more time and fortune to make life easier!

Huh, now do you see the catch? There was a time when people used to sit and think about aspects such as feelings, life, philosophy, health, peace but not solely about making life easier. If we think closely, actually thinking about these aspects makes life easier as a bonus. During the industrial era, the erudite of society moved their focus towards the development of the world rather than the development of ‘self’ and this is when Human Science took a back seat. People started to see life from the lens of engineering and technology but forgot the essence of human connection and inner peace. For instance, Facebook gave us more friends but at the cost of constant paranoia to be in a virtual world of status, comparison, and prejudice.

Now fast forward to recent times. I was sitting at home since March as my office started work-from-home policy since then. Suddenly I felt a vacuum about myself. While before lockdown I had a mind clogged with a lot of things like job, family, study, etc, all of a sudden I started to realize that it has been a long time since I actually thought about MYSELF. So, randomly I started to read about Psychology. First I started to read about Social Psychology, then Developmental Psychology, and then BOOM! I got hooked to these kinds of stuff. As I read and read, I got enriched with self-reflection about my own thoughts. I began to rationalize my life and the choices I made. Do you know what the best feeling about reading Psychology is? You will get answers to what and why you actually think. Let’s keep the fun of Psychology for my later writings.

After three months of studies, finally, I came to the conclusion that Technology has overtaken Humanity over time. We as human beings forgot to understand ourselves first and then use the tools to make it better. I know in many countries Human Science is not a popular stream to study, but I salute those who do because these people are doing a great job to keep the balance of worldly perspectives. I want to end my writing with a thought in your mind:

Did you ever wonder why you are like the person that you transformed to? How your life choices shaped your personality?

Cheers to life !

Sylvia Love Johnson Dr Ron Pol Salam Khan Ann Gaby Tefel Roger Skibowski Luciano Duarte Fasiha Imran Rashika Chaudhary




Writer for: ‘ILLUMINATION’, ‘In Fitness and In Health’. || Blogger at Quora.