Understanding Foucault’s Concept Of Technology Through Legendary Super Saiyan From Dragon Ball

Jesús Vila
Published in
4 min readJul 31, 2021

Can you gain any philosophical insight from watching Dragon Ball?

Image by Hitesh Sharma from Pixabay

My dad still does not understand how someone who has studied philosophy can still be so fond of something that he considers as “mere cartoons” for kids. Well, maybe someone should remind my dad that in fact people interested in philosophy are like kids. We are always posing questions about everything that seem obvious to the adults. And unlike adults, we can see dragons and dinosaurs in the skies where they just perceive conglomerations of clouds.

Stories as organizers of experiences

In a similar fashion, I guess most so called adults just take any visual animation played on the screen as mere childish entertainment for those who still do not occupy themselves with the real matters of life. What they do not know or might not understand, however, is that every human being needs stories or narratives that can be meaningful enough so we can make sense of our experiences.

Since we are litte children we are told all sort of stories so we can learn how to behave and value what is considered as beneficial or good. And although it might seem that so called adults live in a different manner, the fact is that they also live under stories. Scientific explanations and political and economic predictions are, in the end, stories. They are stories that help us make sense of what we perceive.

So if we all live under stories, why should we judge so harsh and in such a sweeping manner the stories that kids find as attractive or interesting?

It is true that they might not tell us much, but that does not prove at all that they might not have any valuable aspect for other people. Stories are like suites. They all come in different sizes and colors. From the fact that one story does not strike us as meaningful does not necessarily mean that it is in fact not meaningful. Occasionally, more often than it is expected, non-meaningful stories at first sight might contain great valuable artifacts for enriching our experiences. So, if this is the case, why can´t we possibly gain some philosophical insights from an anime like Dragon Ball?

Dragon Ball: The Legendary Super Saiyan Broly

When Dragon Ball Super: Broly was released in 2018, I hastily went to watch it with my brother. We both have grown up being fans of this anime.

I still remember when we were at the cinema. The room was full and everyone was screaming from excitement throughout the epic battle between the legendary super Saiyan Broly and Gogeta.

I have to admit that I was totally impressed and engaged by the music associated with the visual animation. At some point, I even felt kind of like my spirit was high. It was fascinating to see that Broly, due to his incommensurable powers, could overcome the limitations imposed by his lack of training and experience.

Not only was he able to overcome such limitations, but he also was capable of getting rid of the shock-collar that his father Paragus had attached to his neck for controling the flow of his power. And this leads me to discuss this technological device from the foucauldian concept of technology.

Foucault’s Concept of Technology

For Foucault, technology can essentially be characterized as the conjunction between power and knowledge. This means that in every technological device we can distinguish three aspects: knowledge, power, and the relationship between these two.

The knowledge aspect refers to the what of the technological device, the power aspect to its why, and the relationship aspect to the how of it. In other words, the knowledge aspect clarifies the nature of the technological device at issue, whereas the power aspect explains the reason of its existence, and the relationship aspect reveals the way in which the device works.

So, by using this foucauldian schema for understanding technological devices, how can we explain the shock-collar that the legendary super Saiyan Broly uses in the movie?

Technology and Broly’s schock-collar

As was said before, the shock-collar used by Broly is a technological device which its main function is to control his power flow. More specifically, its function is to control Broly’s power through the control of his mind. So, in this regard, the knowledge aspect of the schock-collar can be defined as the technological device which controls power flows.

In respect to the power aspect, it must be said that the shock-collar was devised with the aim of controlling the incommensurable power of Broly, and, in that regard, the reason of its existence lies in the prevention of any possible risk posed by Broly’s power.

Finally, in reference to the relationship aspect, it is clear that the way in which the technological device works, that is, the way in which it fulfills its function, is through the controlling of Broly’s mind.

Final Thoughts: Broly is an inspirational figure

As it is well known, Foucault suggests that technology can serve as a way to repress and oppress individuals. This can certainly be attested in Broly’s case, since he is initially subordinated to his father’s will through the schock-collar which limits his power by controlling his mind.

I think that Broly’s case is inspirational. It is the story of an individual who can overcome his limitations through the emancipation from the technological device that repress his incommensurable power.

Let us then emancipate ourselves from the tyranny of the technological devices that adults might have imposed on us!



Jesús Vila

Scholar, Education Consultant, Social Projects Developer, Branding Consultant.