Understanding the life-changing, “Aham Brahmasmi”

Finding Your Center in a World of Chaos

Annaya Mahale
4 min readJul 5, 2024


Imagine being 10 years old, knees knocking, about to give your first school speech. That was me, a bundle of nerves backstage. My mom knelt down, looked me in the eye, and said, “Remember, beta. Aham Brahmasmi.”

I must’ve looked like a confused puppy because she smiled and added,It means ‘I am the universe.’ You’re not just this nervous little body. You’re everything. The stage, the audience, even those butterflies doing somersaults in your tummy. All of it is you.”

Weird, right? But something clicked. I walked on stage feeling… bigger somehow. The fear was still there, but it didn’t own me anymore.

This wasn’t just some mom-magic. Aham Brahmasmi is an ancient Sanskrit mantra, one of the Mahavakyas or “great sayings” from the Upanishads. It’s basically the mic drop of Advaita Vedanta philosophy.

But let’s be real – at 10, I didn’t care about philosophy. I cared about not throwing up on my shoes in front of the whole school. And somehow, this strange little phrase helped.

Fast forward to high school. I’m sitting in a math test, staring at a problem that might as well be written in alien hieroglyphs. Panic rising, palms sweating. Then I remembered: Aham Brahmasmi.

Image by author

Suddenly, I could breathe again. If I were the whole universe, surely I could handle one tricky equation, right? I didn’t magically become a math whiz, but I did calm down enough to work through the problem step by step.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Cool story, but how does thinking I’m the universe actually help in real life?”

Fair question. Let’s break it down:

  1. Perspective Shift: When you’re the whole universe, suddenly that rude customer or that missed deadline doesn’t seem so world-ending.

2. Inner Calm: It’s like finding the eye of the storm. The chaos is still there, but you’ve got a quiet spot to stand in.

3. Self-Confidence: If you’re everything, how can you not be enough?

4. Interconnectedness: It’s harder to be a jerk when you realize you’re technically being a jerk to yourself.

5. Resilience: The universe keeps going no matter what, right? So can you.

But here’s the thing – it’s not about believing you’re literally the entire cosmos. It’s about recognizing that spark of the infinite within you. The part that’s connected to everything else.

Swami Vivekananda put it this way: “You are the Soul, free and eternal, ever free, ever blessed. Have faith enough and you will be free in a minute.”

Sounds great, doesn’t it? But why is it so much easier to believe “I’m not good enough” than “I am the universe”?

Partly, it’s how our brains are wired. We’re on high alert for threats, always ready to believe the worst. It’s an old survival mechanism that’s not so helpful in the modern world.

But here’s a secret: You can rewire your brain. Every time you say “Aham Brahmasmi,” you’re creating new neural pathways. You’re training your mind to see the bigger picture.

Start small. Stuck in traffic? Aham Brahmasmi. Nervous about a presentation? Aham Brahmasmi. Burnt your toast? You guessed it – Aham Brahmasmi.

It might feel silly at first. That’s okay. Keep at it. It’s like learning a new language or instrument. It takes practice.

And the more you do it, the more natural it becomes. Suddenly, you’re not just reacting to life; you’re responding to it. There’s a difference, trust me.

Is it easy? Nope. There are days when I forget when I get swept up in the drama of being human. But then I remember those three words, and it’s like coming up for air after being underwater.

Give it a shot. Next time life throws you a curveball, try on this ancient wisdom for size. You might just find that you’re bigger than any problem you face.

you’re not just a tiny speck in a vast universe. You’re the vast universe, experiencing itself as a tiny speck.

And that? That changes everything.

A little shift from what I usually write on medium. If you liked what you read, and learned from it. Make sure you give 50 claps because why not? Tell me if you’re going to try this or have you tried this before in the comments. I guess, this message was meant to reach you. If you haven’t already, press that follow button and join the family. I’ll see you soon, Ciao.



Annaya Mahale

An Engineer. A Copywriter. I write what YOU feel. Self help. Healing. Candid thoughts. You’re here for a reason press FOLLOW and stay!