Understanding The Generation Gap

Every generation needs a regeneration ~Charles Spurgeon

Fareha Riaz
5 min readSep 5, 2022


Photo by Ekaterina Shakharova on Unsplash

Today I was just scrolling through some of our old family pictures and I stopped at an old group photo, of my dad and my grandparents. That made me wonder about how their generation is different from ours and how I see this whole generation gap thing at the present.

So, here I am sharing my thoughts and experience with you guys.

In the beginning, I wasn’t completely able to understand this whole thing i.e the so-called generation gap. I have my reasons to put it that way and I am going to enlighten you with them soon enough.

Let’s first discuss what makes us think there is something like a generation gap. I mean they are some really heavy words and have an impact when you say them to someone older than you.

How would you feel when someone tells you that you can’t understand this because you’re way too told and narrow-minded and this is something you can’t change?

I mean this sounds disrespectful and rude. I wouldn’t be happy to hear it from someone younger than me.

Let me guess is it the age that makes us think there is a lack of understanding or something else? like miscommunication or misinterpretation.

Now let’s try to dissect the meaning of the generation gap.

According to Spiro T Agnew ;

The lessons of the past are ignored and obliterated in a contemporary antagonism known as the generation gap.

According to my poor understanding here we are the ones who mostly disregard our parents’ counsel and believe we are the wisest people in the world. However, the opposite is also true. Unfortunately, our current generation still views itself as being light years ahead of the age before it, resulting in a chasm between them.

Who likes to be called narrow-minded, most of us don’t like to admit our mistakes. Because most of us are always hellbent that we are right.

Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that comes before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it.~ George Orwell

The generation gap may be defined as a disagreement between one generation and another regarding beliefs, or values. A disagreement? we can agree on that.

Now, this makes sense to me. The generation gap is the difference in values and opinions between the young generation and the preceding one. As our fathers and grandfathers have lived considerable years of their lives in an entirely different times, have grown up in different environments, and were not blessed with modern technology. Well is modern technology a blessing? It’s an interesting question too.

Oh sorry! My fault I momentarily digressed.

Well now that I’m back speaking about the differences between two generations I find our generation at a little more disadvantage. Well in the case of technology and modernization our parents are somewhat inexperienced, but in the case of morals, and values, they are far better than the present generation.

And seriously I cannot digest this idea of being backward because as far as I all know the majority of the great thinkers, inventors and writers did not belong to this modern era. And still, their discoveries laid the foundation for the development and well-being of society.

Every generation is inculcated in traditions of prejudice which are encouraged as normal, natural, and healthy. ~ Bryant McGill

Everything still makes sense, including the principles of physics and the philosophy of Shakespeare.

So how can we come up with nonsense like this that they are not modern and need to be more open-minded?

Mostly from what I have observed our youngsters are becoming more and more self-absorbed every day, giving off the impression that they’re more mature while actually becoming emotionally distant and acting senselessly ( we all have seen many youngsters following stupid trends and ending up as laughter stock on social media). When our elders show their concern for us we usually shrug them and counter by saying ;

You don’t know it’s a new trend and everyone is doing it.

There was no respect for the youth when I was young, and now that I am old there is no respect for age. I missed it coming and going.~J.B Priestly

Ahh! our media and society have played a huge role in making us so impolite, disrespecting, and inconsiderate in these so-called civilized and cultured times.

Conflicts start because young people believe they have a right to independence. They view their parents as “adversaries” who prevent them from living the way they want to. The situation is made worse by the sensation of helplessness and resentment experienced by teenagers when they realize how financially dependent they still are on their parents.

Still, not everyone is the same there are many youngsters out there who are not only much more civilized, and mannered but also empathic and considerate towards fellow human beings.

It’s not at all like I think of our generation as the antagonists of the tale. Sometimes our elders are excessively severe with us, which is their mistake. instructing us occasionally as opposed to asking.

Every old man complains of the growing depravity of the world, of the petulance and insolence of the rising generation.~Samuel Johnson

Relationship development is greatly influenced by conversations. While ordering someone is not even a discussion, it can turn the tables and sow the seeds of anguish that eventually bear the fruits of hatred.

Sometimes we want to be honest with our parents, but we can’t. Because the friendship bond — something fundamental — is missing there. Sometimes we hold back on expressing our ideas out of concern for their responses.

When was the last time you spent quality time with your parents, spoke to them deeply, or tried to convince them of your viewpoint without getting into an argument? It’s not as difficult as it first appears to be. You won’t be sorry if you give it a shot.

Trust and respect are always two-way things. It’s just like give and take. We should learn to be more adaptable and warm. So that before this chasm becomes a canyon, we can bridge the gap between our generations with love, affection, and trust.

Respect the young and chaste your elders. It’s about time the world was set, aright.~Vera Nazarian

Thank you!

Thank you for your time and for reading it. If you have any piece of advice, I’ll be more than happy to hear it. Do give me your feedback. If you want to encourage me to produce better writing, please follow me to show your support.



Fareha Riaz

A writer who is constantly working to improve. I write about life, inspiration, or anything that catches my attention.