Unforgettable Answers to 5 Stupid Job Interview Questions

In order to get hired, you’ve got to be remembered.

Jeffrey Harvey


Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

You want a better job. We all want better jobs. Recent reports suggest that even as the job market continues to rebound from the COVID crisis, many young workers still find themselves underemployed. If you’re reading this, you are probably one of them.

You likely stride into your subsequent interview with a belly full of fire, and a brain stuffed full of all the right words to say, and the right ways to say them. You’ve carefully crafted your pitch so as to embody the can’t miss candidate; the person who will blend seamlessly into the corporate culture from day one.

And then you never hear back

That’s the problem with blending in. While it will likely insulate you from viscerally negative reactions, you also run the risk of simply fading into the abyss of power suits and monochromatic ties like an impeccably pressed strip of human wallpaper. Nobody wants to hire the wallpaper.

While blending in might offer the safest path to middle management once you are successfully matriculated into the organization, to get hired, you’ve got to stand out.

