Unhappiness, And Why You’re Still In Love With Them

The Science Of Happiness, Love, And Breaking Free

Joe Gibson, Above The Middle


Photograph by Bhola shanker Katariya on Pexels

Recently, I’ve been thinking about love, and how we can remain attached to significant others for extended amounts of time, even after that relationship has ended.

I do believe our love for someone can keep us holding on, but why is it that some people remain attached for longer than others? Is it simply down to our love of that person, or is there more at play?

I find there’s a correlation between everyday happiness and our tendency to feel drawn and attached to others. From my extended work in researching love, attachment, and mood — as well as writing about it for 3 years, it seems the unhappier we are, the more drawn we will feel to others.

In today’s article, I wanted to delve into the science of attachment, and how our everyday mood can impact the “getting over” process. I’ll then propose a way for us to speed up the moving-on process, and find peace again.

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The Science Of Mood, and…



Joe Gibson, Above The Middle

Your path to authentic love and secure relationships starts here. Above The Middle, a blog by me, Joe Gibson.