Unions Are Generally a Good Thing

I have one piece of simple evidence that pretty much proves it.

Jimmy Misner Jr.


Photo by Manny Becerra on Unsplash

We live in a day and age where a lot of businesses are taking advantage of their employees. We’ve finally hit a point where things have gotten low enough that people are tired of just dealing with it, rolling with the blows. Now, we’re starting to see people fight back. Doing what they can to get what they believe is fair and right.

In comes unionization. We’ve seen some places like Starbucks and even Amazon form unions recently. They’ve got a ways to go before things truly get better but I do believe they will. That’s because, in spite of some people being against them, I see them as generally a good thing. A way for workers to unite and bargain for better pay, benefits and the like.

Okay, so what’s the evidence?

So, I’m sure you’re wondering what evidence I have for why unions are generally a good thing. Well, that’s simple enough. Companies hate them. It really is that simple, if we’re being honest.

I could end it there but that would hardly be a story, lol. So, let’s go just a little deeper into what I mean when I say that. I don’t know that I think companies are evil. What they definitely are, is selfish. Most companies, especially the largest, single…



Jimmy Misner Jr.

I like to write about everything but mainly life lessons, relationships, and advice in general. I respond to comments so feel free to start a conversation!