
Free Verse

Louis Dennis


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

For why are we so attached to the darkness
created inside man-made walls?

Building our houses,
Without opening doors,
Metal roofs and thick wooden floors.

Setting fire to our own houses,
Perplexed by the result.

Competing for oppression,
Whilst many silently suffer.

Searching for identity through division,
Dissecting and compartmentalising societies,
Bases on insignificant, undefining attributes.

Blinded by the illusion of difference.

Communication is reduced to speaking,
And listening is reduced to anticipating.

Audible nonsense being channelled through both ears,
In an attempt to weaken the other.

We are but the same and;
The power at be ensures enough misery.

Search deeper than the pigmented flesh,
Through the daily agenda and
Past the indoctrinated dogmas.

A vulnerable soul awaits,
Begging to be loved.

Be the oddity, who loves without limits,
Who goes against the grain,

Who cuts the strings,
And flies free.



Louis Dennis

Writing about the world and how I fit into it. Lover of languages and literature