Unity of God (3): How Fibonacci Patterns Serve as Divine Signatures

Rational Belief
Published in
6 min readJul 6, 2023


In the previous two articles on the unity of God, we explored how the universe’s governance and the resemblances in natural products and processes provide evidence of the existence and unity of God.

Proofs of Unity of God

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In this article, we will delve into a different yet compelling argument to prove the unity of God, the Creator, and the Absolute Governor of all creation.

Logos: Company Signatures

When it comes to human-made products, we can easily determine their manufacturers by looking for brand logos or names present on the products. These serve as distinctive blueprints that point to their maker.

Even if we don’t know the specific owner of a logo or signature, observing the same logo or signature across multiple products indicates that they were all produced by the same maker.

An image showing an iPhone placed on a Macbook. Even if we were unaware of the company associated with the Apple logo, we could still deduce that the presence of the same logo implies that both devices were manufactured by the same company. Image by Anna from Pixabay

Fibonacci Patterns: Divine Signatures

Similarly, natural products also exhibit common logos and signatures that point to the existence and unity of their Divine Creator, whom we call God. One of the most fascinating signatures observed in various natural elements is the Fibonacci numbers or Fibonacci patterns.

Fibonacci numbers form a sequence starting with 0 and 1, and each subsequent number being the sum of the two preceding numbers. Some of the initial Fibonacci numbers are as follows.

Fibonacci numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233 …

Fibonacci spiral is a 2D representation of Fibonacci patterns.

Fibonacci spiral, a 2D representation of Fibonacci numbers. Image by Karin Henseler from Pixabay

What makes Fibonacci numbers even more fascinating is their relationship with the Golden Ratio. For Fibonacci numbers greater than 34, the ratio of each number to its preceding one approximates the Golden Ratio, which is approximately 1.618. For this reason, Fibonacci numbers and Golden Ratio are usually used interchangeably.

Examples of Fibonacci Patterns in Nature

Fibonacci patterns are observed almost in everything and everywhere in the universe. Below are some examples discovered related to different fields of science.

  • Chemistry: The arrangement of atoms in certain molecules follows the Fibonacci sequence.
  • Physics: Fibonacci numbers appear in geometry of crystals and snowflakes, wave patterns, resonance frequencies, and even the structure of subatomic particles.
The ocean waves form Fibonacci spirals. Image edited by the author using the following 2 images. Ocean wave: Image by Pexels from Pixabay. Fibonacci spiral: Image by Nicolás Damián Visceglio from Pixabay.
  • Seeds: Fibonacci numbers can be observed in the seed arrangements in sunflowers and pinecones.
The Fibonacci numbers in the seed arrangement of sunflowers are a little tricky to spot. See detailed explanation in references. Image by Harald Landsrath from Pixabay
  • Entomology: The structure of insect wings, such as those of butterflies, often follows Fibonacci patterns.
  • Shells: The spiral patterns found in seashells, such as the nautilus, exhibit Fibonacci spirals.
Fibonacci spirals clearly visible on a seashell. Image by Dean Marston from Pixabay
  • Biology: Fibonacci numbers are prevalent in the growth patterns of organisms. The spiral arrangement of petals in flowers, the branching of trees, and the arrangement of leaves all follow Fibonacci sequences. These patterns optimize the reception of sunlight and resources, promoting the vitality and survival of living organisms.
You may see a random arrangement when you look at the leaves of a tree. However, if you analyze the relative positioning and orientation of the leaves, you will notice that they are arranged according to Fibonacci patterns. This arrangement maximizes the reception of light by all the leaves of a tree. See references for more details. Image by Xeromatic from Pixabay
  • Anatomy: In the human body, the proportions between different body parts approximate the Golden Ratio.
  • Geography: The characteristics of Fibonacci patterns can be observed in geographic formations, such as the branching of rivers, the meandering patterns of coastlines, and the arrangement of mountain ranges.
  • Astronomy: Fibonacci patterns even manifest in celestial arrangements, such as the positioning of planets and the spiral patterns in galaxies.
NGC 2207 and IC 2163 pair of colliding spiral galaxies. Image by WikiImages from Pixabay

“We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth.” (Qur’an, 41:53)

*Qur’an: The Holy Book of Islam which is originally in Arabic.

Evidence for the Unity of God

The consistent presence of Fibonacci numbers and the Golden Ratio in a myriad of natural products serves as a striking signature, logo, or seal that points to the existence and unity of the Divine Creator, God.

Unlike logos or signatures in human-made products that merely provide brand or producer information, Fibonacci numbers, and the Golden Ratio serve a deeper purpose in the natural world. They contribute to the functionality and aesthetics of living beings and the structures they inhabit.

Purposeful Adoption of Fibonacci Numbers

For instance, Fibonacci patterns in the arrangement of leaves on plants ensure optimal exposure to sunlight, enhancing photosynthesis. The presence of these numerical patterns in biological systems implies purposeful design rather than mere chance.

Moreover, the repeated appearance of Fibonacci numbers and the Golden Ratio in different fields of study, from biology to physics, signifies a common blueprint that underscores the unity of God. It suggests that all of these natural products are created by the One and Only Creator who governs all aspects of the universe.

Inimitable Divine Signatures

The presence of a logo or signature can be counterfeited or replicated, but the inherent nature of Fibonacci numbers and the Golden Ratio in natural products defy imitation. Such delicate and inherent implementations of Fibonacci patterns in natural products throughout the universe require knowledge, wisdom, and power that cover everything. This is clear proof and demonstration that they are the creation of the One and Only God who is the All-Knowing, All-Wise, and All-Powerful Creator.

“To Allah ˹alone˺ belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. And Allah is Most Capable of everything. Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the day and night there are signs for people of reason.” (Qur’an, 3:189–190)

*Allah: It is the Arabic word for “God” which is used even by Arab Christians and Judaeo-Arabic speaking Jews. It is also the name of God in Islam.


The utilization of Fibonacci numbers and the Golden Ratio throughout nature provides compelling evidence for the existence and unity of God. Their pervasive presence in various realms, from the smallest organisms to the grandeur of the cosmos, testifies to a coherent and intentional design.

Just as a common logo or signature on multiple products points to a common manufacturer, the prevalence of Fibonacci numbers and the Golden Ratio indicates a unifying force behind the intricate tapestry of creation. These divine signatures attest to the absolute governance and ownership of everything in the universe by the One and Only Supreme Being, God.

You can find other rational proofs and arguments for the existence and unity of God and other topics related to belief in the link below.

Rational Belief

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Rational Belief

Muslim, interested in Religion, Philosophy, Science and Engineering.