Unlocking Potential: Identifying top talent for your team’s long-term success

Ankur Mongia
Published in
3 min readAug 25, 2024
Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash

Building the right team is crucial for propelling your organization upwards and onwards. Over the past 8–9 years in my current role, I’ve had the privilege of growing and expanding my team. This journey has included experiences of rapidly scaling from 20 to nearly 200 members, optimizing efficiencies during stable periods, and right-sizing as needed to align with evolving organizational demands.

One of the key dilemmas when building teams is deciding whether to hire externally or promote internally. The short answer is that relying solely on one approach won’t suffice; a balanced mix of both is essential.

The benefits of providing opportunities to your existing team to take on new responsibilities primarily involve leveraging their deep understanding of the organization’s culture, systems, and context, which makes them a good cultural fit for the team. This familiarity provides a cushion, allowing for smoother transitions and continued growth.

However, bringing in external talent introduces fresh perspectives and an “outside-in” view on addressing specific problems. It often provides access to new skills or technologies that may not be present within the current team. This external perspective can be invaluable in driving innovation and addressing challenges in many ways.

In my early days of managing teams, I was assigned an external hire to assist in designing the architecture for a critical component from scratch, despite my conviction that my internal team could handle the task. Although there was initial resistance, this decision proved to be one of the most strategic moves for our platform. The project we delivered laid the foundation for much of the work we’ve accomplished over the years, reinforcing the value of external expertise.

That said, not every situation allows for on-the-job learning and growth, so finding the right balance between these two approaches is key.

As Gen Z might say, it’s all about identifying the “green flags” and “red flags” in people to determine whether they align with your team’s philosophy, whether you’re hiring externally or promoting internally.

Here are a few tips I’ve followed when building teams and assigning the right people to the right tasks:

· Holistic Thinkers/Ability to Think End-to-End: I always look for individuals who can see the bigger picture and think end-to-end in terms of the work they are delivering.

· Effective Communicators: Strong communicators can articulate ideas clearly, share insights effectively, and contribute to a culture of transparency. This skill is essential for collaboration and ensuring everyone is on the same page. It’s important to note that it’s not an individual’s command of the language that matters, but their ability to articulate their thinking with the right language.

· Ability to Respond to Real-Time Scenarios: Assess how they handle unexpected situations or challenges. This quality reflects their adaptability, problem-solving skills, and ability to remain composed under pressure, which is vital in dynamic tech environments.

· Passion for Achieving Outcomes and Customer Satisfaction: Passionate individuals are often self-motivated and driven to achieve results. Their focus on outcomes and customer satisfaction aligns with the goal of delivering high-quality products and services.

· Approach and Communication Style: Pay attention to their choice of words and how they communicate. An individual’s communication style can reveal their approach to teamwork, conflict resolution, and leadership, all of which are critical in a collaborative environment.

· Long-Term Vision: Finally, consider their ability to think strategically and plan for the future. A long-term vision ensures that they are not only focused on immediate tasks but also on contributing to the team’s sustained success.

These factors, in addition to the necessary technical acumen, are key indicators of top talent. If an individual ticks most of these boxes, they will undoubtedly be an asset to the team and contribute to achieving great heights in your long-term journey within the organization.



Ankur Mongia

A seasoned tech leader with 20+ years in asset mgt domain, driving global teams, digital transformation, tech strategies to boost client exp & maximize revenue.