Unlocking the Lessons from “Coach Carter”: Discipline, Group Unity, and Bias in High School Sports

Published in
3 min readAug 22, 2023


Photo by Kylie Osullivan on Unsplash

“Coach Carter” is a compelling biographical sports drama that shines a light on the life of high school basketball coach Ken Carter. This film tells the story of how Coach Carter’s unyielding dedication and unconventional methods transformed an underperforming high school basketball team into a symbol of success, both on and off the court. Beyond the basketball action, the movie delves into profound themes from social psychology, including social influence, group cohesion, and bias.

The Power of Social Influence

Social influence is a psychological process where one person’s beliefs and attitudes can influence and even change another person’s behavior. Coach Carter, portrayed brilliantly in the film, exemplifies this concept. His leadership skills and determination make him a beacon of hope and inspiration.

Coach Carter employs compliance, a form of social influence according to Kelman’s Social Influence Theory, to motivate his players. Compliance doesn’t require individuals to share the same beliefs; it’s about achieving desired outcomes. In the movie, Coach Carter leverages his authority as the team’s coach to enforce a contract that mandates academic performance and behavior standards. He doesn’t hesitate to suspend the entire…




26-year-old island girl from Southeast Asia.