Unpacking the Benefits of Writing on Medium and How It Can Boost Your Career as a Writer

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5 min readMar 23, 2023
Photo by Pedro Araújo on Unsplash

As a writer, it can be challenging to navigate the world of online publishing. With so many platforms available, it can be tough to know where to focus your energy and where you’ll get the most value for your work. That’s where Medium comes in. This platform has become an essential tool for writers looking to build their careers, connect with readers, and get their work seen by a wider audience. There are countless websites out there, but few offer the same level of engagement and community as Medium. Writing on Medium can be an excellent way to boost your career as a writer in a number of ways. In this article, we’ll unpack some of the benefits of writing on Medium and how it can help you grow as a writer.

So, what are the benefits of writing on Medium, and how can it boost your career as a writer?

First and foremost, Medium offers an excellent platform for writers to showcase their work.

The site is easy to use and offers a clean, simple layout that puts the focus on the content. When you publish on Medium, your work is easily accessible to readers around the world, which means you have the potential to reach a much broader audience than you might with a personal blog or another platform.

One of the most significant benefits of writing on Medium is the sense of community that the platform fosters.

A medium is a place where writers can connect with other like-minded individuals and share their work with a supportive and engaged audience. You can join groups or communities related to your niche or interests, which can help you build a following and get your work in front of people who are genuinely interested in what you have to say.

Medium also offers several features that can help boost your visibility and increase your readership.

For example, the site offers a “Curated” section, where editors select articles to highlight based on their quality and relevance. If your work is selected, it will be prominently featured on the site, which can be a tremendous boost to your visibility.

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Another great feature of Medium is its partnership program.

This program allows writers to earn money from their work, based on the engagement and attention their articles receive. While the program isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme, it can be an excellent way to supplement your income as a writer and get paid for doing what you love.

But perhaps the most significant benefit of writing on Medium is the platform’s focus on quality content. Medium’s editors are committed to curating and promoting high-quality writing, which means that if you put the effort into creating great content, you have a much higher chance of getting noticed and building a following. This focus on quality content also means that readers come to Medium with high expectations, which can be a great motivator to produce your best work.

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#1 Exposure to a Wide Audience

One of the biggest benefits of writing on Medium is the exposure it can bring to your work. Medium has a large and engaged audience, which means that your writing has the potential to be seen by many people. Unlike personal blogs, where you may only have a small group of followers, Medium allows your work to be discovered by people outside of your usual circle.

#2 Increased Engagement

Medium is not only a platform for publishing your work, but it is also a community of writers and readers. As a writer, you have the opportunity to engage with readers through comments, claps, and highlights. This feedback can be incredibly valuable, as it can help you to understand what resonates with your audience and how you can improve your writing. Additionally, engagement on Medium can help to boost your visibility on the platform, leading to even more exposure for your work.

#3 Access to Publications

Medium has a wide range of publications, which cover everything from politics to personal development. These publications offer a way for writers to reach a targeted audience and gain exposure for their work. Additionally, many publications have editors who can provide feedback and guidance on your writing, which can be incredibly helpful in improving your craft.

#4 Monetization Opportunities

While writing should never be solely about making money, it’s important to acknowledge that writers deserve to be compensated for their work. Medium offers a range of monetization opportunities, including the Medium Partner Program, which pays writers for the engagement their work receives. Additionally, many publications on Medium offer paid opportunities for writers to contribute to their publications.

#5 Flexibility

Finally, one of the great things about writing on Medium is the flexibility it offers. You can write about any topic you like, as often as you like, and publish on your own schedule. This flexibility can be incredibly liberating, especially for writers who are used to more rigid publishing schedules.

Photo by Kamila Maciejewska on Unsplash

In addition to these benefits, writing on Medium can also help you build your writing skills and grow as a writer. Because the platform is so focused on quality content, it can be an excellent way to get feedback on your work, learn from other writers, and improve your craft. The more you write and engage with the Medium community, the more you’ll grow as a writer, which can be incredibly valuable for your long-term career goals.

In Last writing on Medium can be an excellent way to boost your career as a writer. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re looking to expand your reach and build your audience, the platform offers a range of benefits that can help you achieve your goals.




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