Unplug and disconnect

Why your phone is probably ruining your vacation.

Bennett Johnson


Photo by Juan Ordonez on Unsplash

I just got back from a trip to Paris, and the entire time I was there, I couldn’t help but notice the amount of time other people spent on their phones. You pay hundreds of dollars for airfare, hotels, food, and other stuff, and you are spending that precious time on your cell phone. Not enjoying the beautiful city around you, but looking through a digital screen to see what is right in front of you.

Now for this trip I made a bold choice: I didn’t bring my cell phone, and this choice might have made the trip one of the most refreshing breaks I have had in years. Here are a few reasons why your phone could be the one thing stopping you from having a great vacation.

Photo by Chen Mizrach on Unsplash

Refresh and Recharge (see what I did there :)

Instead of those pesky notifications following you wherever you can get service, you won’t have to worry about them until you return. Why do you need to know if it is your second cousin’s birthday, or if your boss wanted one more tiny thing done before you left? Once you’re on vacation, none of these things matter. On top of this, it almost feels like hitting the refresh button when you return. If your problems can’t follow you on vacation, they’ll often resolve themselves by the time you return.

Photo by Derek Thomson on Unsplash

Screen Time Adds Up:

We don’t think that we spend that much time on our phones, but after picking it up for a brief spurt 25 times, it adds up quickly. Now imagine if you spent those hours of your vacation spending time with your family and friends. If you’re going on vacation with someone, you hopefully like spending time with them which you should take advantage of.

Photo by Jack Cohen on Unsplash

Become More Immersed in the Local Culture:

Without your phone to look up dinner recommendations and activities to do, you might have to resort to more traditional methods like researching before your trip, and asking locals for advice. Oh no. Instead of overpriced tourist traps, you could possibly dine one of the best and most authentic meals of your life.

I think we can all agree that disconnecting can yield valuable and awesome experiences that might not occur with a device in hand. Next time you leave on vacation, think about how leaving your phone at home can be a great way to refresh and enjoy your trip just that little bit more.

Thanks for reading edition_011, we’ll be back tomorrow and every day after that with another exciting post. Feel free to follow me to get more of these stories and support my writing.



Bennett Johnson

New stories daily at 8:00am (ET). Hey! I'm Bennett Johnson, and I post content surrounding photography and travel.