An Unusual Tip from My Writing Teacher

The Mermaid Surfer
Published in
4 min readMay 13, 2023

Yesterday I was thinking about some ways to master my productivity.

I am usually very busy during the day, so when I write (I usually do every day) I make sure I am focused on my task and I have a clear mind and intention on what I am going to write about.

I strive for perfection sometimes.

I find myself thinking and thinking about how I can polish my articles and stories better before publishing them that sometimes I burn out without realizing it.

Then I remembered a tip I got from my Writing teacher, a real master of the craft.

Keep your story and let them grow.

Yes Sophie, how couldn’t think about it before?

I facepalmed myself.

I just unplugged myself for a moment and decided to go for it.

I turned off my computer and went to do some other stuff.

I learned something about it.

Us, writers of Medium, I know surely some that do, have the habit of trying to be ready to publish at any time.

What if we didn’t?

What if, between this huge amount of AI written stuff and poor stories we see we could implement some best practices that made our work more meaningful?

It’s a valuable advice.

First, write.

It’s important to let your ideas flow freely without worrying too much about structure or grammar. This allows you to get your thoughts down on paper and create a rough draft of your story.

You can correct everything later, there’s nothing to worry about.

Then, after you correct the first time (or some do not correct at all) step away from your work for a while.

This break allows you to come back to your story or article with fresh eyes and a new perspective.

This opens your mind, well it sure opened mine.

I had some problems writing a short story and when i got back to it, the day after, I was in a completely different state and tackled my problem right away.

You may also find that you come up with new ideas or plot twists during this time away from your work.

What I added to the thought

I found some things that can help with these ideas and I can say:


Look at the world around you, look at the people that you see, and imagine their story, or what they are doing at that precise moment. Look at the details that no one sees. Listen to them talk and act in their natural environment, but with no judgment, just observe.

Observing the world and people around you is not about copying or mimicking real life. Rather, it’s about drawing inspiration from the rich tapestry of human experience to create more authentic, engaging, and meaningful stories.


This will boost your spirit, who doesn’t love a good book and story, do not read passively, after all, you are a writer.

Try to immerse yourself in the mind of the author while he was writing every single word.

See that every component of the story has its own meaning.

And try to read new things, expanding genres could be a good thing!

And Lastly :

Take a Nap.

Yes, you heard me right. I believe in taking a nap for writing from experience.

When you wake up and you have that little fuzz in your brain still not completely awake you have so much creativity that you could draw the world.

Try it to believe it.

Side note: This story comes from me having woke up five minutes ago.


But make sure of not to sleep too much, that could make you disrupt your natural night sleep.

Too much is not better.

Then, after having applied these tips and have given them the possibility to grow, after an hour, a day, or a month, get back on your work, and remember, everything is editable, so do not be scared to have an ugly first draft of whatever you are writing.

Especially here, on our beautiful platform, we can always edit.

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The Mermaid Surfer

Surfer, Yoga addicted and Always Eating. Medical Student PhD. Loving Writing and Travelling the world. Check me here on Medium!