Unveiling The Reality: Life In The Prisons

"Lonely is not being alone, it is the feeling that no one cares."

Justine Jacob
3 min read1 day ago


Photo by Hasan Almasi on Unsplash

Human beings are social beings. They talk, mingle and interact with different types of people in society. The first playground of a child is his family for talking, loving and playing with siblings and peers. But few of the children have a difficult childhood, living in broken families.

There is no emotional security or financial security in these families. The most probable is the divorce of their parents. Many studies around the world have concluded that children of broken families have higher chance of having criminal tendencies in their adult lives.

We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved or uncared for is the greatest. We must start in our own homes to remedy this poverty.

Let me come to the point. There are many people put in prison for doing small and big crimes. It might be for a simple act of stealing some money from the neighbour or for some serious crimes like rape or murder.

The most important reason for putting these criminals in prison is to restore law and order in society. Secondly, the punishment of criminals must act as a deterrence and prevent other people from committing similar crimes in society.

Loneliness is one of the hardest punishments which can be inflicted on a person. The life of a person becomes a nightmare living in seclusion in prisons for serious crimes like rape, murder, treason etc. Some of the criminals are put in solitary confinement either to prevent untoward incidents in prison because of their violent behaviour or for some special reasons as stipulated by the law.

The two most important matters in the life of a person confined in a prison are maintaining physical and mental health. They must try their best to be involved in some physical activities like exercise or doing physical work allocated to them in the prisons. Try to pray and do meditation for at least an half an hour every day.

Most prisons provide books for the inmates to read as a leisure activity. Read light books to soothe your soul with love and positive energy. I particularly advise you to read holy books like the Holy Bible, Quran, and Baghavad Geetha etc. which will give you the courage and strength to optimistically proceed with your life.

Finally, let me tell all of you who are confined in prisons that God loves you even if you are the biggest criminal in the world. Repent for your sins and unconditionally forgive all your enemies who harmed you.

After all, we are human beings who can commit wrongs anytime during our lives. Always remember that our God is a merciful God ready to forgive all your sins if you come to him with true repentance.



Justine Jacob

After reading my thoughts on life you will be encouraged to come out of difficult situations in life. Lonely people will find meaning in their life.