Updating Documents

Day #26: 100 Happy Days

Purvee Chauhan


Credits: Author’s own image

I have been receiving notifications to make annual payments to keep my website running. This time I decided to not renew it. Backstory: I started a website two years ago as a place to keep all my work and documents and as a resource I can share with my potential employers. At that time, it (probably) helped. And now, it doesn’t because

  • I think the personal website idea is quite outdated and there are many other creative ways of showcasing their work.
  • It doesn’t do a great job of representing the person I am.
  • The content in it is not quite updated and to make edits takes me a long time to make small edits — not user friendly.

While I haven’t found another way to put all my work together, I decided to let this website go. But a good thing came out of this reflection of going over the website — the content needs revision.

It had been sometime since I last updated about my work in any document or artifact. In the past I have seen myself get hassled about updating my resume, LinkedIn, portfolio, bio, or any other related stuff because I was disorganized at that time. Taking time aside to just stay on top of my things, I happened to engage in this exercise of organizing my material. Note!! I love my current job and, in my experience, this exercise is…



Purvee Chauhan

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. ~ The Little Prince