Use This Simple Technique to Lead with Confidence, Grace, and Gratitude

Live into the height, width, and depth of your being with Centering

Paula Bramante, PhD


Photo by Victoria Heath for Unsplash

As a naturally reflective person who is also an avid walker, yoga practitioner, and occasional dancer, I am intrigued by self-improvement techniques that include embodied awareness, that pivotal space that links the psychological with the physical.

One such technique comes from the Strozzi Institute as a part of its Embodied Leadership program. Centering, the practice I want to focus on here, is a small part of the Institute’s EL curriculum but is easy to learn and offers a unique perspective on what it means to be an engaged and vital person, wherever and however you are living your life.

In essence, Centering uses the three physical dimensions of length, width, and depth to provide a focus for entering the present moment, opening to possibility, and cultivating mindful awareness of what matters. Here’s how it works.

How to practice Centering

The vertical axis: heaven and earth

Begin by standing comfortably with your feet firmly rooted and your arms resting at your sides. Bring the upper, mid, and lower parts of your body into vertical alignment…



Paula Bramante, PhD

Paula is a writer and researcher specializing in mindful living, art, psychology, and other topics.