Why you should give your book away

Use Your Book as Your New Business Card

Have you heard that books are the new business card?

Jacquelyn Lynn
Published in
4 min readJul 25, 2020


Image created by Jacquelyn Lynn using MockupShots

Have you heard that books are the new business card? That’s a bit of an overstatement.

In fact, though electronic contact lists have replaced Rolodexes for most of us, traditional business cards are going to be around for a long time.

Still, if you have a book, giving away a copy of it (instead of or in addition to your traditional business card) is a great way to promote yourself, market your business, and provide someone your contact information.

Of course, it’s not easy to carry a supply of books in your pocket — even if your book is small.

And though not every business or social setting is appropriate for handing someone a book, there are plenty of times when it will be, and you should be prepared for that.



Jacquelyn Lynn

Inspirational author, business ghostwriter. Need some great quotes? Get “A Book of Proverbs: Wisdom of the Ages” free. Download at CreateTeachInspire.com/wisdom