Videos Are Gold

Don’t Fall Into The Trap Of Misusing Them

Mahmoud Mamo


Generated with AI

You have surely watched a couple of videos in your lifetime, whether it is an Instagram Reel, a YouTube video, a micro, a how-to, etc…

The reality is they are everywhere, which makes them easily accessible via a computer and an internet connection. It’s marvellous, such luxury at our fingertips yet, they aren’t greatly valued.

But it questions me, why aren’t they used as they should be?

The problem lies within how the majority are using video graphics technology today, no not everyone is using them to benefit themselves but rather to detriment themselves by wasting hours of time scrolling mindlessly instead of doing what they should have done for the day.

Or even worse, those who had nothing to do for the day, yet they still wasted their time on these cheap videos, when they could have done something so beneficial to their future.

The reason they keep watching these senseless videos is the dopamine they receive — I think everyone by now knows what dopamine is — that dopamine is the reason they keep on watching these senseless videos, these techniques have been DESIGNED by scientists who understand the functioning of the human brain, these apps were MEANT to keep you on there so that they could earn money from you wasting your time!

Videos are being misused.

Wake up people!

How to use videos instead of them using you

It’s easy, just watch videos that will actually benefit you in the long run since you have the time to open your phone and crave something to consume.

Well, now you could use that time you have actually to learn something! What language do you want to learn? Well, watch a video. A new skill you always wanted to know? Watch a video!

Most of the time, you will have something to do instead of watching a video, and you will remember that when you apply the principles I mentioned above.

Since your subconscious self won’t want to tire itself and instead crave dopamine, it will remind you of the work you have but also remind you that TikTok is waiting for you.

I’ll let you choose what to do, you are more aware of the situation you are in.

Just remember, this technology is gold, but a double-edged sword.

Use it or it will use you.

I’m counting on you to do the right thing.

Thanks for reading, if you have work right now then hop off and start doing it. You will have the momentum you built to do something else productive.

If not, and you liked this post (I know it’s hard not to), read this other one I wrote, it might spark an interest!

As I like to end it,

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for reading



Mahmoud Mamo

Language maniac. I eat stories for breakfast, lunch and dinner maybe a story here and there for a quick little snack!