Violence Is To human! Order Is To Divine

Beautiful Chaos…

Raheem Hameed
3 min readFeb 20, 2023


Photo by Pawel Janiak on Unsplash

Violence Is To Human…

The world is a peaceful place! at least for most people and from where I’m standing.

Serene environments, happy people, joyful communities, peaceful states, friendly nations, and a beautiful world That’s what most of us have experienced or tell ourselves.

Our originating and fundamental existence, however, says otherwise. We are now plastered with layers and layers of socially accepted masks, while behind this facade lurks the whisper of violence, the call to arms of our evolutionary trait.

Yes! Yes! I know you are different, and all this doesn’t apply to you simply because you were brought up right and have been taught violence is not the way, and it’s only an option for those who are lost and weak,

But whether you like it or not, we are made up of chaos and order, the Yin and Yang woven into the fabric of our existence.

If you still doubt me or think I’m just a talking head, I can give you instances scattered through the generations, but for the sake of time, I will point us to recent occurrences.

Portland Trump Caravan, August 29, 2020
Angry protesters attack ATMs and block roads in Nigeria
all this aside

I’ll give you some not-so-subtle instances that are so close to home that most of us might as well be guilty of them (well, of course most of us are).

The movie industry: the gazillion and never-ending actions thrown at us; the gory, violent scenes that we enjoy and find no harm in! Do you know why?

It is because they feed us exactly what we want, and we love them so much. and didn’t take part in them ourselves, so hey! It’s just a movie, and it’s just for fun.

The sport industry, such as MMA, UFC, and wrestling, earns millions, if not billions, in endorsements just for other humans to hurt and commit violence against themselves. There are numerous examples, but I’ll take a pause here.

This is part of who we are, and there’s nobody to blame for that except the fact that we are humans, but for every Yin there is a Yang, which is called Order,

Order Is To Divine…

Let's give big kudos to the human race for the level of advancement we achieved from being mere savages to being at the top of the food chain.

It is one h#ll of an achievement, and we have managed to bring order to our chaos. It is a beautiful thing to experience and live through.

I might hear murmurs that there is still a lot of chaos in the world, yes! That is true because the yin and yang of our existence are so interwoven that there’s yin in yang and yang in yin.

We can call that "beautiful chaos" (a beautiful word, isn’t it? pun intended).

I believe that we should educate those we can influence around us, particularly the younger generation, that the world isn’t all bloom and flowers, that it isn’t all bed of roses, and that we should do it not so subtly.

That they are not exposed to violence at a young age but are educated about it, and we can use the Feynman learning technique to make it as simple as possible.

Keep being curious! Remember that curiosity is the bedrock of every idea.

Thanks for joining me on this journey. I hope you found this information helpful and educational. If there’s anything you’re curious about or if I missed anything important, please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask!
I’m here to help, and I promise to respond to every comment. Let’s keep the conversation going!
Until next time, I’m Jnr. Bye for now! 🖤



Raheem Hameed

Native Android developer | Mobile Developer, I write about thoughts and problems I solve and help other developers avoid them.