Vision Loss is not a Life Sentence!

All this time, we were just an experiment for them. At least not anymore!

Hasan Mustafa
3 min readOct 20, 2021


Save me from blindness — Pixabay Images

To whom it may Concern,

Well, Look what you people did to us! All this time, we were unaware and blank the Eye-doctors have been hiding from us for decades! Ever wonder how many people are seriously facing difficulties with poor eye vision — like not 20/20 vision and why couldn’t have a perfect 20/20 vision without any heavy optical gadgets like eyeglasses, contact lenses, and even the advanced eye retinal surgeries with terrible procedures must like their names (Refractive Errors, Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Cataract, Diabetic Retinopathy, Glaucoma, Amblyopia, Strabismus)?

tears won’t help you out until you find the right guide — Karolina Grabowska

Tell me of a doctor that told you that you can retain the same eyesight vision after finding out your vision not being crystal clear though. I won’t let you think and remain blank as mostly never wanted to tell their dark secret. Otherwise, how would they steal billions of money from you, letting you lose without finding out the answer which is right in front of us!

I look smart in glasses, “WRONG” — Pexels

Unfortunately, currently in the world… How do I say this :/ …

Ok, so if you google “how many people in the world have poor eye vision?”, the figure is terribly huge!!! — Watch what I have got in my browser.

“How will the beauty lie if you lost your eyes?” — Screenshot

Yes, they say:

“Beauty lies in the eye of Person”- How would it be when you stole it from them for some heavy stack piles of money!

This piece of work won't take much of your time as I am going to share a link to a report that clearly explains all the necessary details you should know to get your eyes protected from this Eye-Clarity Business Mafia.

Do make sure to check the link below as this method has saved almost 97,000 cases and might break the eye industry in half by providing 20/20 vision in just a matter of weeks as said earlier.(Research from Ken Hart)

“Vision Loss is not a Life sentence! ”



By looking at some of the reviews, I hope this may bring back life to many people having eyesight issues and let them see what the world has got to show them!

With this coming to an end, I will see you on the next blog. Till then, eat healthily and enjoy the beautiful scenes with your colorful eyes.



Hasan Mustafa

I am an analyst who analyzes problems and provide solutions by writing quality content about the on going things in daily life,