Tech and Privacy

Visions of a Secure Future

Charlene Ann Mildred
Published in
3 min readMar 11, 2024


Cyber Security — Authentication and privacy — Photo by Benson George from CANVA PRO

The neon glow of progress,
Bytes and dreams mesh.
The Tech Titans march —
in a thunderous procession.

They shape the data byte by byte,
line by line.
They speak in the languages —
of AI and blockchain.

Their voices cross valleys,
a promise of utopia near.
It’s a place where each connection —
is a rally.

But in this chorus of innovation,
Privacy Prophets stand.
Their gazes pierce through,
whispering of forgotten freedoms.

In the night’s hush, they ask, “But at what cost to you?”

For every step the Titans take,
a shadow grows beneath their feet.

A trail of footprints,
a breadcrumb path for those who seek.

These prophets guard the unseen.
They speak of a world where privacy thrives in the light, not the dark.

We no longer need to hide secrecy.
They paint a vision of openness,
not of walls.

But of bridges built on trust and consent.
Personal data is like sacred texts.
Only share it with clear intent.
It is only shared with clear intent.
The battleground is in cyberspace.
Algorithms wage unseen wars.

The spoils of victory are our very souls,
our hopes,
and flaws.
But the future,
which is not so distant,
is where Titans and Prophets walk side by side.

A new dawn breaks,
a compromise.
It’s a place where innovation and privacy collide.

It’s a vision of a secure future.
Technology serves,
not enslaves.
Data is a gift,
not a given.

We are more than data points in the void,
more than targets for the next ad campaign.
We are the dreamers,
the creators,
the protectors.

We want a future where privacy and progress —
can coexist.
Titans and the Prophets.
In their hop of shadow and light,
for in their balance,
we find our path,
to a bright future.

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Charlene Ann Mildred

I'm a writer and content creator who loves to share tips on how to maximize your productivity. Email: