Void of Love

The Impact of Maternal Neglect is expressed poetically.

Lenoi Poetica
3 min readJul 3, 2024


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

In "Void of Love," the poet navigates the harrowing depths of emotional abandonment and the desperate search for maternal affection. Through poignant metaphors and raw confessions, the poem unravels the intricate web of self-destructive behaviors and empathy for those affected by their actions. This compelling narrative not only explores the impact of a lack of love but also delves into the quest for identity and self-worth. Join us in this intimate exploration of pain, longing, and the human need for connection.

I have a black hole in my heart,
Desperate to have it filled for that vacuuios space is taking its toll.
Whilst alive, you gave me no affection or motherly love.
Now you’re no longer in the physical, and I have this black hole in my heart devoid of love.
What should I do then?
Am I destined to fill this emptiness by indulging in toxic habits?
I numb myself of the pain by engaging in emotionless sex.
I feel some sympathy towards the women that I’ve used, for their expectations of love that I can’t guarantee, yet they cling to me, unaware of the hurricane inside me.
Oh, mother, why couldn’t you just love me?was I nothing but an experiment to you?
For my love for you is absolute despite your abhorrent treatment towards me.
Now, what will become of me?
For now, I crave the love that i never got, and I intend to get it from other women.
I will give my soul to become the embodiment of what every woman would yearn for.
I will become a sex object that women crave. But whilst this occurs, the reality is that inside, I’m broken.
This isn’t a Disney film, so no woman will become to save me from myself.
At the expense of myself, I’ll become a source of pleasure to women. For they notice not my inner suffering because I don’t let them in.
I crave fame and attention to feel good about myself,
Because my self-esteem is low, and this goes to show because I crave success just to be loved.
I know not how to love myself, I think that’s the way to go.
How I go about that, I don’t know.
Now, thanks to you, Mother, I’m doomed to a life where the need to fill this empty void is of constant necessity.
I wonder if I’m being punished for being me because I don’t deserve to suffer this pain.
I cry tears of joy and sorrow whenever I see a mother embracing her boy child, for I know he won’t suffer the hell that I’m currently in.
For now, I know how Frankenstein felt when he was neglected.
I hope their isn’t another person alive who experience this.
For the fundamental love that everyone needs to experience for a healthy emotional development, I was robbed of.
Then how can I love another when I have no idea what love is?
Even though you’re deceased, I have to ask, why couldn’t you love me, mother!

If you’ve ever felt the profound emptiness of unfulfilled love, know that you are not alone. Many of us carry the weight of unhealed wounds and the scars of emotional neglect. It's time to break the silence and seek the healing we deserve. Reach out to a trusted friend, a support group, or a mental health professional. Your pain is valid, and your journey toward self-love and acceptance is worth every step. Together, we can transform our hurt into strength and find the love we’ve always longed for within ourselves. Remember, there is hope and help available, and your story matters.



Lenoi Poetica

My words are swords that cut through fantasy and paint reality. I'm a vessel of my writing spirit.