Volkswagen Precision Parking Ad

Volkswagen Advertisement Analysis

Sarkis Ardjian


Gold fish in bags of water in a line with a porcupine in between them.
Volkswagen; Advertising Agency: DDB Tribal Berlin, Germany

At first glance, the aim or message behind this Volkswagen ad is a little fuzzy. Where do goldfish and porcupines fit in when talking about a car company? Look to the bottom right corner to get the answer! Clear tagline: precision parking is talking about how Volkswagen cars nowadays have accurate parking help. In this ad, it’s trying to prove the Volkswagen’s park assist is very precise.

Effective Strategy

Volkswagen is advertising its new campaign that helps the driver park in tight spaces without hitting other vehicles. This ad shows the alignment of three goldfish in the bags and one porcupine that resembles the scene of parallel parking spaces and the right squeezes driver often must make. The porcupine spike is cm from popping the bags where the goldfish live.

This ad uses many advertising technologies — including humor, creativity, and analogy — to promote their product. Volkswagen wants to make feel people safe by advertising their new park assist feature. As this ad successfully lighten up the driver’s heart by using cute animals, it is very effective.

This parking assist feature ad successfully uses the need to feel safe, when you first see cute animals, you generally want to touch them and feel very safe…



Sarkis Ardjian

LA-based Marketing Manager & Business owner. Getting through that quarter-life crisis, one ad at a time. Blog: The Ad Digest: